What do you collect most?

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What do you collect most?

  • I collect books, 150+, magazines - all but 6 MR back to 1950 and some before then, all of RMC back to 1972 plus quite a few before then, oll of NMRA Bulletin back to 1972, many, many issues of Trains, S Gaugian, S gauge Herald, Classic Trains, Classic Toy Trains, NWSL, and others. I also have lots of models in HO, S, and O, many of which are no longer made.
    I have been accumulating for over 30 years now.
    If you're having fun, you're doing it the right way.
  • Amtrak Timetables, Vidoes and Misolance
  • Amtrak Timetables, Vidoes and Misolance
  • Amtrak Timetables, Vidoes and Misolance
  • Amtrak Timetables, Vidoes and Misolance
  • I collect books, mostly about the New Haven railroad, which I grew up near. I was your typical prototypical pest around the station in my hometown and considered that the world had come to an end when Penn Central took over. I also collect railroad art work (which my wife sometimes allows me wall space to display) and HO gauge NYNH+H RR stuff... of the late 50's and 60's era (the so called "McGinnis" years.) I have a ton of photos I have snapped of SF out in Arizona and NS here in Georgia.
  • I collect books, mostly about the New Haven railroad, which I grew up near. I was your typical prototypical pest around the station in my hometown and considered that the world had come to an end when Penn Central took over. I also collect railroad art work (which my wife sometimes allows me wall space to display) and HO gauge NYNH+H RR stuff... of the late 50's and 60's era (the so called "McGinnis" years.) I have a ton of photos I have snapped of SF out in Arizona and NS here in Georgia.