Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 46: January 30, 2006

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 46: January 30, 2006

  • I chose Mike's photo over Erik's mostly because in Erik's photo the whole lower right corner of the photo is white space. I could tear it off and you would hardly be able to tell it was missing. Aside from that, I would have picked Erik's. It has more color, more train, less empty sky. Congrats Mike, you win by default.
  • i voted for erick. Great photos. Both erick And mike asome photos very hard dicision. man that shot was cool because all the snow on the nose of the locomotive and the snow that was kicked up by the train make it apear to come from an awkown land. Top Notch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I would like you two to get out of the area where you live and take some pictures somewhere else in the country. Like say the NY metro area, or California - southern and northern, St Louis area, or in the Rocky's. You could both go to the same location together or two different areas. Enough snow already...
  • I chose Erik's picture this time. The reason being is that his picture is of CN a Canadian railroad. Good picture Erik.[^]
  • Mike is the clear winner in my eye this week. Erik's photo is good, however, it looks to be over exposed a bit. The snow is just too blinding. Mike's on the other hand is exposed and composed nicely. Nice job! Now send some snow out the CT!!!

  • I voted for Mikes photo because it did not appear as overexposed as Eriks IMHO...
  • Mike was my vote because of the photo sites are of a last minute shot at the trains. With the Security on locations it is hard to see trains with a pre scouting location without the rail roads getting upset. Choo Choo in Davison---
  • A great shot Eric. I love the snow flying, and the colors were great. Keep up the good work.

  • I voted for Erik's photo because it was the best of the two.I haven't been a CN fan ever since they bought THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL and abandoned the line through my town.Now, after fifty years of watching trains in my backyard,I have nothing!!!
  • Erik's did it for me, especially the green target in the background just visible in the snow. Mike's snoot nose looks like the print was stretched. Mike-shoulda used the Amtrak shot!
    Peace through superior firepower
  • You guys on the north side of the Cheddar Curtain got some of the same storm we got south of the line. All the frost on the twigs and branches following the fog the next morning was interesting. I looked out my office window and saw spikes on the smaller tree twigs. We have been lucky this winter. Only a couple heavy snows and they seem to melt in about a week.

    Had to go with Erik's shot this week. It came down to the bigger snow plume. The bright red on the CN against the black/white background was just about a tossup with the UP yellow against the blue sky and bluei***int of the snow.
  • Easy decision for me: Erik. The red-and-white contrast really stands out, whereas Mike's UP shot had the yellow at such an angle that it looked more white. And I love the effect of the snow rising up to fade out the CN train.

    I do agree with emddd40x, however. Mike's marsh shot is excellent and it would have been a tough decision if he had submitted that one instead.
  • Had to go with Erik his shot was a bit sharper that green signal light an the tower did it. [^]
  • I liked Mike's shot with just the one car one line. A simple little train at that point, out working on a cold winter's day.
  • My vote went to Mike. Feels more crisp with that blue sky than Eriks.

    Erik, I like your 1st pic as it shows the world as it really is. Sometimes with snow included. Not that it would have changed my vote though ... [;)]

    As for the cameras being used, it does still come down to the user to create the shot, the camera is only the tool. Maybe there needs to be some changes to the text describing the intent of this column. [:-,] A page describing the camera along side the Rebel specs would be a good starting point.

    The use of a different camera does not really change the intent to my mind.

    StephenDx: Computers and trains are my greatest interestsWhistling GMT +12hrs (+13 in summer)