Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 2005: Second Chance Shootout

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 2005: Second Chance Shootout

  • Sorry Erik but your pacing shot doesn't do anything for me, perhaps because a portion of the locomotive is outside the frame. From a photographic perspective, your shot is well executed but it leaves me feeling that something is missing. Looking at the Vol. 28 entries, I can understand why Mike won over Erik. Looking at the Vol. 32 entries, I agree that Erik's photo was better than Mike's. However, this time, Mike's submittal wins because it captures the heart of railroading. Erik's submittal loses again because the pacing shot simply can't match a train meet.
  • I have to go with Mike's action photo, while Eric's only showed me half of a great shot. Al
  • Mike's is more to my style, sorry Erik you lose.
  • You read two stories, they are both great but different. Who's to say one is better than the other. Sometimes you must just pick one and let it go at that. Just remember Mike & Erik take these photos for their enjoyment and ours. They are professionals and photograph what they see at that particular moment. So lighten up some of you
    on the nit-picking. I vote for Erik's photo this time just because I liked it best but that is not to downgrade Mike's entry. Both of you, THANKS and keep up the good work.
  • Erik's photo is better by a long shot! Sorry Mike, I voted for yours the first time it came up. The pan, colors, vibrance, speed, and lighting are all fantastic in Erik's photo. I would love to buy a large print and hang it up! [bow][:D][C):-)][C=:-)]
  • I voted for Erik's photo because, there's nothing I like more than speed and the BNSF Railroad.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by projoem

    Someone cut off part of Eric's engine!

    If you look closely you will see that the front of the engine is almost exactly lined up with the camera. WOW, now that takes some skill. That was a split second shot that takes GREAT timing. I can not say enough about that shot.

    I agree with some of the other voters here. A shot like that shows SPEED and ACTION. Who cares that the whole engine is not in the shot. The shot accomplished what the photographer endeavored to do.

  • I voted for Erik's photo. I just loved the Conrail meet. It was great how Erik shot from behind the unit over a string of flatcars to also get the oncoming train. that was really cool[8D]!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • I chose Erick because it is a good quality photo while the train is moving. And it shows the cab of the locomotive and nothing else making the train looked determined to get to its destination. And you dont see that many photo's like that. Great photo.
  • Erik's is a fine photo, but I voted for Mike's because it's a vivid photographic portrayal of the changing of the guard on the ex-WC mainlines. The big red and black CN machines are quickly replacing all of the great WC motive power on the line, and I think Mike has done a fine job of showing this (whether it was intentional or not). He's achieved all of that by the contrast between the sharp, well-lit CN locomotive and the dark, out of focus WC unit. It was a good reminder for me about choosing carefully what to focus my camera on, especially when using a longer focal-length lens. All-in-all, I think it's a good example of using the right composition for the situation and subject matter.

  • Time to put an end to this feature, or enlist two other photographers and get a new perspective on things.

    Aside from the occassional interesting photo, most are mundane. I expect to see better photography with the Trains Magazine name on it.

    I also understand this nothing more than an infomercial to showcase the Canon digital
    camera line, because of that I assume nothing will change.

    Let the mediocrity continue.
  • Many's the time I've hung out the window on a pace, risking life (usually someone else's) and limb (usually mine) to grab sights and/or sounds, most notably SR 4501's blurred drivers at 43mph, and Bergie has mastered the tactic of conveying the essence of speed in this shot. I actually caught myself listing to starboard......
  • As usual they're both great photos but I liked the pacing shot a little better. Merry Christmas and a Happy Railfanning Year to all.
    I hear a train a-comin.....

    Thanks for the great photos Erik and Mike.
  • I didn't care for either photo, so I didn't vote