Union Pacific and NS Head on Collision

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Union Pacific and NS Head on Collision

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by oskar

    saddam and bin laden could not be prime minister id Canada or pres. of US beacuse they were not born in the US or Canada and what is up with the colors I am sure we can see what you are saying.

    [8D]so is binladen the manager of the local days inn or the 711
  • don't think so he would be killed or arrested if he came here and I wi***here were a 711 here.Keep it going with the funny made me laugh a little on that one.

  • [8D] bin laden is here hes a telemarketer now and the next big thing is i quote
    if i cant kill them then i will make them kill them selves
    so when the phone rings and some guy wants to talk a hundred miles an hour
    he's probaly alquida and his job is to make you go insane and kill your self
    and the is alqidas in the fast food business putting the fat & cholesteral in the food [8D]

    government cover ups are computer error blamed on humans