Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 43: November 21, 2005

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 43: November 21, 2005

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by gannbb1

    Loved #1 but the view under the bridge distracts from the excellent picture above.

    Voted for #2. It tells the story of a railroad at work moving grain. The hoppers, the elevator., etc.

    Being an old signal/communications man, I liked the pole line and its wires appearing to come out of the pix and righr over the viewer's. head

    QUOTE: Originally posted by lhtalbot

    Well, this is getting tougher. I really like both shots. I finally went with #1 because it is so different. Some people objected to the road traffic, but I think that adds to picture. The sky is fantastic. Very well done. # 2 is also very good. The moody sky works well. I know without reading all the comments,someone will object to the utility pole. But I like it.
    Nice work guys!! This is very enjoyable.

    Larry in Wauwatosa

    Well Ihtalbot, as you can see, gannbb1 liked the utility. And I read all the posts before posting this and there were no other comments about the pole.

    My [2c] on that subject is that it is not a distraction. It adds to the framing of the UP train with the silos above and the ballast beneath. (BTW, the is a nasty BIG speck near the end of the train, rather glaring when the full pic is viewed :-}

    My vote however goes with pic 1. Why you may well ask... Pic 1 grabbed my attention as being different. It places a train in a dusk or dawn shot the rest of the world going about it's business. The sunlight on the fog is a pleasing effect.

    Someone commented on the distraction of the signage and vehicles below the bridge, not an issue. As noted above they add to the atmosphere of the pic. [:(]ly, I have not made it north of the equator yet, so it's a nice touch to see how busy the streets are in that neck of the woods.

    Thanks Mike and Erik for the interesting shots and the fun of reading other peoples takes on the subjects offered. Have to admit I would like to see some more of the lineside type shots offered for voting.


    StephenDx: Computers and trains are my greatest interestsWhistling GMT +12hrs (+13 in summer)

  • Even though I am a fan of UP, I had to go with shot #1 as the angle, the fog, the whole concept of a dreary day not stopping the movement across the nation..
  • Has to be photo 1. Great atmosphere. Great lighting. But, most of all, it's different from the normal shots we see in magazines, etc.
  • Wow! There are some contrasting differences between these two photos. Number 2 is very sharp and eye appealing. It oozes speed and power. Number one is softened by the fog and gives the slow and lazy easy going look. Although I have mixed feelings about the traffic in the photo I still have to go with first instincts on this one, so I vote for number one, with the number two photo right on it's heels. Nice job to both of you!!
  • Go WC. I chose number 1. I see those units all the time, so its 1, plus the fog is cool.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • Like a number of others I voted for #1 also; the fog seems to set a mood that is perfect for some this time of year. Both pix were great! Keep up the great work!! Happy Thanksgiving to all and get ready to tackle the crowds on Black Friday, if you're game!
  • Voted for #2, #1 wasn't bad at all, just liked the UP coal train, the fog picture would have been better if was in a rural area without the traffic. Keep up the work guys......
  • "Rush Hour Fog" is probably the better photo. But I chose #2, even tho it's a wedgie. Combine a train and a grain elevator and I'll be in granger road heaven.
  • I like Photo #1; CN in the fog.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • In some of the other photo competitions, Photo 2 would have been an obvious choice. It is an almost perfectly composed picture. I don't think I can find anything wrong with it. This time, however, it was an obvious choice for me. I voted for Photo 1. While Photo 2 is great, it is an "average" railroad photo. As perfect as it is, if you go through the internet, books and magazines, you can find hundreds of nearly-identical photographs. Photo 1, however, is a different story. It is a very unique picture. I love the lighting, the trees, the traffic in the background and the relative rarity of the locomotive. It's really a flawless (and artistic) picture and is one that you can really get lost in for some time.
  • I had to vote for Photo 2, something about clipping off the bottom of the bridge pier in Photo 1 that bothered me. I would have definately gone for No.1 otherwise, but it seems incomplete to me. It would be interesting if the Photographer would be able to post another shot from the scene in his wrap-up, just to see if the photo would still work without truncating the bridge.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Bergie

    This week's installment of Trackside with Erik and Mike is now live within the Railroading section on the home page. Please read this week's column and then vote for your favorite photo below. Click here to read Trackside with Erik and Mike Vol. 43.

    Erik, How do I find who took the photos in your last Trackside installment Vol. 42? I looked it up, but could not find anything in the forum?

    Thanks, Jim
  • No. 1 brings to mind that many of us don't see trains in all these pastoral locations, but rather in city, highway and even industrial landscapes. I've been hoping you guys would frequent some more industrial rail locations, the grittier the better. Even the foggy highway overpass is "pretty". Remember all those coal dusty, black puddled, overhead bridge and signal pictures from the steam days? Doesn't that stuff happen any more? Maybe living in upstate New York makes me appreciate how tough railroading can be. OK. Snowstorms next?
  • Has to be #1 for me. Just loved the lighting effects of the fog plus it was a 'busy' shot that all of us want to take when we're driving to work....if only we had the camera with us!

    Out here in AZ, we don't see much of CN or fact, the Sunset Route hardly sees much of UP either!!! We only see a handful of trains these days and makes me wonder how they make this route pay!!

    Happy Thanksgiving !
    Shawmut Rules !

    Terry and Jamie,
    AZ Railfans
  • details - details - details They are both excellent shots so who should I vote for??[?] You are right we all have a lot tobe thankfull for and trains are one of them. But lets not forget those in uniforms here at home and in foreign lands that help us keep our freedom and trains. [:D][2c]
    Vote for #1.
    Happy Thanksgiveing