Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 41: October 24, 2005

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 41: October 24, 2005

  • I voted for shot No. 2, but the blue CEFX unit contrasting with the green foliage
    grabbed my attention. But it just couldn't compete with a better lit shot, and Fall
    colors in the CP photo. It sure is nice to have lots of great pics to enjoy from
    Eric and Mike ! Thanks, guys ![tup]

    Cascade Green Forever ! GET RICH QUICK !! Count your Blessings.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Sask_Tinplater

    As much as I love blue CEFX units, I think Photo 2 is better. I love the way that it is composed. Both the train and the scenery are shown very well. With Photo 1, neither is shown too good, especially considering that much of the train is in shadows.

    I must compliment you on those first photos, Erik! Very impressive! The ones of the CP and Amtrak trains are just such fantastic photos. That MOW train was a great "find". My favourite thing about MOW trains is that you can find vintage equipment and fallen flags that otherwise would have been taken out of service years ago.
    I very much have to agree there. Photo 2.
  • Photo #2 wins in my book. I'm a sucker for fall colors, curves and CN. Picture is brighter too.

  • 2-fall foliage, you can actually see the rest of the train, and it's at a good angle.
  • Hey guys, the picture of the Soo caboose taken by Erik on October 11 is awesome!!! That particular car has definitely been through alot! Also , I am a recently new member and I think that the trackside with Mike and Erik edition is great! I am trying very hard to get back into this great hobby. Any advice on designing a track is appreciated
    P.S. Pic #2
  • Have to go with photo #2. Don't get the seasons out here in AZ so the foliage plus the framing of this one was very pleasant to the eye! I also like the telegraph poles leading you into the picture; particularly where some of them are leaning into the curve and taking you further round the curve. Shame about the wires framing the top but the foliage more than makes up for the distraction.

    For me, the lighting perfectly reflects the mood of the Fall season. The clolors are vibrant yet there's a foggy quality to them. Just makes you want to wrap up, get the hot chocolate, grab the camera and get out there:)

    Nice shot....whoever you are !

    Terry and Jamie,
    Shawmut Railfans,
  • Actually I like both!!
  • In photo one, I like the face shot very upfront and loud on the blue face. I also like how you can see that he just split the signal and is on the highball. Things I think need improvement would be to not have the sun just on the face leaving the rest of the trian in the dark, its not just whats up front its also, what's he dragin? Also strait on shots are hard to do right, shoting on a sweeping cruve is alot easier. f11 really doesnt make any since for this shot either, you can't see the rest of the train and the trees don't add much, so why the depth of field? It is a nice shot but not the best. Sorry

    Photo two is very nice. I like the fact that you had overcast to bring more of the color out of the trees, would have been better a week after shot too I'm guessing. I am happy to see that it is a manifest train and that I can see what it is he is hauling. I like the composure leaving just enough lead to see he has a path to go on and nice placement of your leadin line with the tracks, it always work best. Very good job on the 3rd quarter framing on yor subject would have liked to see you drop shutter speed a little to gain a little more depth of field. 1/800th is way faster that you really need for your 80mm. Nice pacement of the curve too it is a very pleasing picture to see, it's a shot I wouldn't mind seeing day after day. (too bad the powerline are in that location) Excellent Shot ! ! !

    Keep up the good work,
  • I like #1 because it seems to be blasting into the light. I also always like signals or other appurtenances in the photos
  • Had to go with pic #2. Both were good, but #1 was too dark for me. Like most people on this talkboard, I am a sucker for fall foliage. [:D]
  • It is said that, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." This savvy truism came to light after seeing the results of the voting. I was surprised that Photo #1 was lagging so far behind Photo #2! [:O]
    I truly felt that photo-1 was head and shoulders above photo-2. Why? Well, first off, #1 has dramatic impact. This photo (#1) just radiates power. The dramatic highlighting of the loco (use of shadows) and the subtle nuances such as the heat distortion above the diesel just make photo-1 feel as if it's subject is ready to burst out of the scene and rumble right into reality. I like this pic! [^]
    In all fairness, photo-2 has nice qualities also. The colours of the fall foilage are nice, lending it a sort of tranquil sense. It is a nice pastoral scene but one that has been repeated often enough. Is it a good photo? Darn right, but it is not a great photo, IMHO.[;)]
    In summary, nice job Eric & Mike! Both are photos that any of us would have been proud to take![:D]
  • I understand why most of us chose photo #2. But it has a big flaw as well: No sunshine. So I chose #1.
  • Photo 1 showed just the front end of a locomotive. Not very interesting. Photo 2 showed the whole train and the scenery surrounding it. This photo was much more interesting to look at. I voted for Photo 2.
  • Some pictures don't need a thousand words to describe . Photo #2 says it all. Switch8frg in the high Ariz. desert.

    Y6bs evergreen in my mind

  • Are Mike and Erik professional railfans? Nope guess not they use Canon equipment