Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 40: October 10, 2005

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 40: October 10, 2005

  • Mike's shot gets the vote. Nice to see a vertical shot, sometimes we forget we can turn the camera? Eriks shot is good, I had to ponder a little before I voted.

    Larry in Wauwatosa
  • Went with Mike this time. Just did not like the off center shot .
  • Erick, you didn't have a chance with your almost good photo. I'm a NS man and enjoyed seeing that horse in the loco consist. The horizontal divisions are too nearly equal (that means too much corn) and you are compeating with an excellent photo. Mike using vertical format is a refreshing change and perfectly suited to the scene. The mystery of the tracks curving out of the picture adds interest.
  • Went with mikes shot because trailing shots give great detail shots of engines.
  • Well the riot act paid off this week for Mike that is a sharp an clear shot. Eriks cut off on the third engine lost something for me, if not for that another close vote.
    Lets hope an pray that this winter is nothing like this past summer.
  • I just liked Mike's better this week, you know, I love corn in fields (and on the cob, cream, whole kernel, grits, homony, LOL) and lashed consists and BNSF and NS and going away and stuff, but those back to back multi mark CP's got me, good shot, both of you!


  • Erik's got this one. The going away perspective detracts only slightly from the uncommon artistry of the shot. Mike's is good, but in a world of a gazillion cold, hard telephoto shots of trains coming head-on around curves, I prefer the artistic approach.
  • I like Eric's photo of the BNSF consist with the NS unit in the middle. Once in a blue moon we will see a consist like this heading north here in Orange County California. On occasion we also see a CSX unit in a BNSF consist. Mike's photo was good too, but I liked Eric's better.
  • Sorry bergie, but I'm a CP man through and through.
    I also prefer pictures of trains coming towards you, and dead on shots are always neat.
    It's not that your pic isn't the subject of my dreams, but Mike's goes straight to the heart. (Mine anyways)

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • I am partial to BNSF so Bergie got my vote this time. It is not as good as Mike's but what the hey.
  • I really liked both pictures, although Mike's had the disadvantage of me having seen it earlier in the week, and I liked it then! Erik's was more of a surprise to me, and I really liked the H1 in the lead, the black to break up the orange, and the corn! But I'm kinda surprised that Erik's is as far behind as it is... But Mike's shot is really, really nice!
  • Though I liked both shots, i went with Erik's. Some thing about trains and corn fields just made me feel good.
  • Good shot Mike! Love the schrunchy effect of the long lens. I'm also tempted to look around the corner to see if anything is coming. Love the shot.

    Russ in Pittsburgh
  • Mike's is a really great shot. It's a pity we didn't have two vertical shots to compare. It might have been a closer contest.
  • Erik:

    You have my vote this week. Love the BNSF Sandwich of NS in between the pumpkins.