Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 33: June 20, 2005

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 33: June 20, 2005

  • I voted for Erik. I wnt to see train shots, not background..
  • Erik got my vote. Mike, I liked your shot, but it almost seemed like there was too much stuff. Erik's shot is a classic, with beautiful lighting to boot. Thanks guys for another great week!

    West Chicago, IL
    Christopher May Fine Art Photography

    "In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration." ~Ansel Adams

  • I liked Mike's photo better. For me the angle on Eric's just didn't do it. The SD45 on the point gives it more character. As previously stated everything in wonderful focus. The freeway and the background seem to catch my attention but to note that the train is the center of the pix and more of an attention getter.
  • I thought Mike's photo was more interesting, because it tells a larger story. When I look back at old photo's from the B&W steam era I like to see what's around the train, especially in urban and industrial areas. I do agree with a previous post, the shot may have been better zoomed in a bit.
  • Sorry Erik, Mike's photo did get my attention. The cool part is the reflection in the water of the grafetti on the walls of the waterway. Also the combo of locos WC/UP looks cool.
    It was a hard decision, because Erik's is just as cool, you can see the engineer and alot of the train.
    On another note, on my first excursion to the Monticello Railway Museum with my motorcar, I was able to come away pretty much unscathed. I was able to run all day Saturday giving rides for the Father's Day celebrations. After everyone went home we went into Monticello for some R&R. The only problem I had was not seeing the museum display track switch not being lined correctly. WOW! that really can put your motorcar on the ground!!! yikes. With the help of my 2 other motor car companions, we were able to set back on and be on our way! What an adventure.

    Erik, will probably see you this weekend at Galesburg Railroad Days.

    Stay Safe!
  • I liked Mike's far better, Erik's is just another "Ordinary" three fourth shot of a train. I get sick of those after a while. I liked Mike's because of the stuff around it as well, all stuff I can associate with, I 94, Miller Park, and a WC train.

  • Both great shots, but I liked Mike's much better. It is just perfect. I don't know what more I can say.
  • I felt that Mike's submittal had too many structures that detracted from the presentation of the train. I concur with those that commented that Mike should have zoomed in to get more train and less background. I enjoyed Erik's submittal and have to say that I liked his capturing the glow of the setting sun on the train and the locomotive's headlights on the rails. So my vote went to Erik this time. Glad to hear that both Erik and Mike had a happy and safe Father's Day. I enjoyed mine and I hope the qualifying readers enjoyed their Father's Day too!
  • Both good shots - I gave the nod to Mike's, but it was close.
    If you're having fun, you're doing it the right way.
  • I think Erik said it best:
    QUOTE: Originally posted by Bergie

    Holy crowded vistas, Batman! There's a lot going on in that photo, and an SD45 is always crowd pleaser!
    Noah had some good comments as well:
    QUOTE: Originally posted by Noah Hofrichter

    I liked Mike's far better, Erik's is just another "Ordinary" three fourth shot of a train. I get sick of those after a while. I liked Mike's because of the stuff around it as well, all stuff I can associate with, I 94, Miller Park, and a WC train.

    So, I voted for Mike's picture. Personally, I often try to get a bit of the "unusual" into my railroad pictures: The setting sun, the moon hanging over the train (or empty railroad tracks, like yesterday...), signals, the local baseball stadium [swg]...

    Erik's shot certainly wasn't bad, but maybe it could have used a little more of what's in Mike's picture to splash up an otherwise ordinary picture for the area, and heck, maybe Mike's would have been good enough with just the unusual locomotives, but all in all, keep up the good work guys!

    -Mark Hintz
  • Great job Mike! Very interesting composition. I agree with Erik that it is busy, however I think it works well because most of the background and surrounding elements are cool blues, greys, and greens. The bold colors of the fairly clean WC and UP really bring this shot to life! Also, how many times can you incorporate a "river" with a concrete bottom!!! It will be interesing to see what other compositions you might be able to get from this location.

  • Just read the comments about this weeks photos taken by Erik and Mike. [tup] But this week that 10% [censored] ok critical. Can they get better shots for 52 weeks a year think not. [soapbox]

    Erik and Mike another good week. Mike #1
  • I liked Erik's photo even though it's a "typical angle" shot. However, the low angle of the sun gives great color and the sense of the time of day. Oh, and did you notice, because of the low angle of the sun, the engineer is, clearly, visible? Great shot, Erik!
    ...Richard Schivley
  • Erik got my vote this time.I like the low light in the picture,and the green signal in the background.Mike's shot was interesting,with the SD45, but the background was too busy and cluttered.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • Mike, it is interesting how you got both locomotives centered under the arch of Miller Park. I like this one over Erik's as it is a new setting and has a unique feature to it with all the freeways and Miller Park in the background. This is also approximately where AMTK #7 derailed a couple of months ago, isn't it?