Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 32: June 6, 2005

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 32: June 6, 2005

  • I voted for Erik's photo for the simple reason of elements in the photo such as the crossover switch in the foreground. Oh yeah and props for catching a "Conrail" meet in Elm Grove, Wis!
  • Nice photos from both of you. Mike definately submitted the wrong photo. The first shot with the barn in the background is absolutely amazing! Erik's photo looks like it could just as easily been photographed in the Appalachian Mountains. I love the dirty air effect with the low sunlight. Kudos to both of you for these outstanding shots. Keep up the excellent work we enjoy it!
  • I chose Mike's photo this week. I liked both photos, but Erik's photo didn't really draw me in and get me interested in examining the photo further. I also voted for Mike's because the photos he took that we couldn't vote for were great. Mike you picked the wrong photo for the voting competition!
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by espeefoamer

    Erik's photo won easily this week.I loved the Conrail meet.I think the pollen and diesel exhaust added to the atmosphere of the photo.Mike,yousubmitted the wrong picture.I really liked the shot of the CN freight on the curve in early evening light,with the sun shinning on the train from a low angle. the barn added a lot to the photo. In the one you submitted,the second train is not only in the shade,it is out of focus.The photo of the CN train curving past the barn probably would have gotten my vote.

    As much as I like the kind of hard detail that comes out of Mike's photo, the "defaced" WC logo on the front of the unit did not give any fancy. Erik's photo had more movement, more action and seeing the rear walkway lights on a GE unit made it all the more unique.

    So the vote went to Erik , this time at least.
    "There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
  • Great job, Erik. It's good to be reminded that the "air" isn't always the perfectly transparent medium we like to pretend it is -- not even out in the country!
  • Sorry, Mike. If you had stayed with the pic of #331 you would have got my vote. I've been to that spot frequently, but never around sunset.

       23 17 46 11

  • Erik wins, good composition and I am a sucker for Conrail.
  • [[size=2]Dear Mike & Erik, Luv the two, twin headlight "LOCO'S" heading in the same direction on adjoining mainline tracks. [bow]
    Woud luv to see close up so we could see a more detailed view of the bogie assemblies and body lines.[}:)]

    I like all your pic guys thanks for putting them on the net.
    Keep on Snapping Regards Russ (Australia)[:D]
    Best Regards Rusty
  • Re the Vol 32 recap ---
    Eric, Your comments on your meeting with those two ladies was very well said. I hope, for their sake that they listened and understood the lesson. Congrats for giving a good try. Far too many RR employees get hurt. We don't need to add civilians to the list!