Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 32: June 6, 2005

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 32: June 6, 2005

  • Erik's photo say's action to me.
  • I voted for Eric's photo because, it shows how some mainlines under power trains just to save a $. I also thought it was a good looking photo.
  • Gotta go with Eric in a very close choice. More action, lots of other rr stuff like crossovers and crossing gates and signals, etc
  • This was a tough choice, but Erik's was more in focus, so that's what I voted for. I really like the detail in both photos.

    I also agree with Espeefoamer about the CN rig running past the barn. That is one nice shot! I would have voted for that one as well.
  • Truth is...I didn't like either photo. I voted for Mike because I disliked his less than I disliked Erik's. Neither one did anything for me. Sorry guys...try, try again.

    I did like Mikes two other that barn in the background.

    Walt Huston President Aberdeen, Tacoma & Spanaway Forrest Railroad
  • both great photos, lots of action, lots to look at, non-standard angles & views. Had to go with Mike's because of the lighting (which is 98% of photography anyway). Liked the warmer gold & red colors as opposed to cold blues & whatever. The out of focus approaching train is a good feature, adds to the artistic feel. Tuff decision tho. Hey "Trains" guys, sure do like this feature, its the only forum I jump on regularly on this here computer. Larry in Las Vegas. (Just got back from Cajon Pass, whatashow. Saw a couple of all NS head end power consists [thot this was the west coast], an old Rio Grande [couldabeen an SD38?] and some of the dirtiest Armour Yellow I've ever seen)!
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by LVJJJ

    Saw... an old Rio Grande [couldabeen an SD38?] and some of the dirtiest Armour Yellow I've ever seen)!
    Probably not an SD38. Might have been an SD39, one was painted up for DRGW even though they never had either model!

    And yes, UP seems to be carrying on SP's tradition of being "the dirty".

    What were we talking about now? Oh yeah... I preferred Erik's shot this time, despite its definite northeastern feel with all those blue engines! I might have to try getting pictures at that location sometime.

    Speaking of meets, check out this photo I got last summer -- a three-way meet!

    Have a nice day, keep up the good work!
  • This was a close one. In fact, I chose Erik's, and I have no idea why.
  • I like Erik's because it shows the front and back view of a locomotive!!
  • I think both photographs are fantastic. When I first saw Erik's, I thought, "Ther's no way Mike can top this!" My first reaction to Mike's was that it was interesting, but not as good. Flipping back and forth between the shots, I ended up deciding that dots of stuff floating in the air in Eric's shot were a distraction and sharpness of detail on the CN unit in Mike's really made his shot. The tipping point was the clarity of the wheels on the rails. All the bulk of the CN engine on tiny points of contact. I would have preferred the background train be sharper, but I think the contrast in sharpness just accentuates the tiny details of the foreground engine, while telling the story of what the railroad is all about at the same time.
  • I like erik's photo, i think they conrail meet was pretty cool, and so was the timing
    Colin from
  • Erik, keep up the great photography! Enjoy the quality of your work.
  • Erik gets the vote. Mikes shot is really pretty good though. I think the difference is Erik's defines the relationship of the two locomotives better. (the crossover track doesn't hurt either).
  • Had to go with Eric's photo. I liked the fact that you could see the consist. Also, that haze was great! Mike's was good, but I liked thet second picture he showed us better than the one he chose. Although, all three were good.
  • Both of these photos WERE spectacular! But I had to vote for Mike's because of both the lighting and the very low angle and getting that close up of the diesel's trucks. WOW! Something very dramatic about that low angle of the sun AND the perspective he got with that photo. Not that I didn't like Erik's photo for the same reasons as everyone else. Two just outstanding photos this week. Next queston? Where are these locations?