Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 29: April 18, 2005

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 29: April 18, 2005

  • Erik, I agree with Mike, you are awfully long winded but both shots are great!! Mike, your train is nice but you don't show any of it, just talk about it. Why not a side view of those matched E's and a look at the consist. And oh, yes, did Wisconsin Souther ever have varnish with and elegant name like "The San Francisco Overland Limited"?

  • I like the angle of Erik's photo, wherein you can see the entire train front to end. If Mike had entered the photo posted on the W&S website, though, I would certainly have voted for that one. Those E units are very handsome!
  • Erik's broadside shot of the UP Executive train looks like a winner for me.
    When W&S 'E-units' come up for a vote...Mikes got a lock on it.
    His in-your-face shot of the W&S power was impressive though.
    Tom Moran
  • I enjoyed both shot's however I voted for Mike's this time as the detail of the picture was sharper over all and he had a little more background color, Erik should have used a haze filter to enhance his shot in my humble opinon
  • I, too, caught the UP biz train; but in much better light as it flew through Boone, Iowa. Erik did well with what he had, and Mike's shot has better color, but you just shouldn't win when you cut off the sign! The best shot should take to heart the shooting conditions, and Erik did better...

  • Hi Guy's,

    As a UK rail Fan I don't carry any specific road's loyalty. I do however like car bodies...... and sorry guys, but I have to say that I think that graphically Union Pacifics livery is just...... well..... boring.

    As far as the shots are concerned I can really identify with Erik's frustration in getting a good clear shot, which shows the whole train only to be cheated by the sun and weather at the time of the event. That can screw up anything you want to photograph let alone something as difficult as a train.

    As for the sign in Mikes shot, we've all taken those. "If only I'd noticed at the time....." IMHO it is solved by re-cropping the picture like this.

    This looses the distraction of the overhead wires and the processing plant on the left of the picture. It also puts the focus more on the front of the train.

    I've "been there" Erik and the dissappointment of some shots when you've put a lot of effort in is evident in so many of my own shots. Mike gets my vote because it's a car body and it's a shot you can "do something with".

    I'm fast learning (an old dog learning new tricks[;)]) that photographing trains well is as difficult as wildlife or sports photography. It's part planning, mostly luck and being there set up when "it" actually happens. In all these types of photography you have to second guess your composition. Thank goodness for digital photography. At least my screw-ups don't cost anything now[:)]

    Geoff. West London UK
  • Oh-h-h So close...I'm actually talking about the choice between the 2 pix; not the voting though it is VERY close. I voted for Eric's because of the angle. Mike, if you would have submitted the pix of the WSOR business train from their website, I definitely would have voted for you. You're right...covered wagons in 2005!!! The only other real famous E- units around my parts (central PA) are the ex-PRR E8s 5711-5809 that belong to the Juniata Terminal RR in Phila. In fact they will be running again the 30th of this month on a short excursion-type of trip from the station in Harrisburg crossing the famous Rockville Bridge and going through the Enola Yards to Lemoyne. Unfortunately they will have to retrace their steps backwards due to the fact that the tracks were taken up on the Ex-Cumberland Valley Bridge that would have taken the train back to downtown Hbg.
  • Voted for Mike. Goto love those classic E8's any way you can get them.
  • Had to vote for Erik's, I am a UP fan and could not resist this beautiful consist. This is something you don't see every day!!! Sorry Mike. Keep up the GREAT job.
    Stay safe - Look, Listen and Live
  • I'm sorry Bergie I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. Friendship is a powerful thing but ..... I had to vote for the WSOR and Mike.
    Does this mean you won't talk to me in Galesburg? :(
    Dave Nelson
  • Sorry, Erik. The old E units, the crew mamber waving, the white "extra" flags, the Saukville sign, all added up to a wonderful combination and a very unique shot.

    It was a very difficult choice, because I really like the UP train, out in an open prairie, nice consist, farms in the background. My preferences were about equal to the voting score so far (52% vs. 48%), with the W&S just nudging the UP out.

       23 17 46 11

  • I had to go with the WS shot because of the drama...even though I live in Omaha (and have "Yellow Fever").
  • Loved the E-units, but it was a bit too head-on. A little bit of an angle would have still allowed you to see the awsome nose art, but would have also showed the consist. Erik's photo is my choice, the composition is great, and the lighting gives the picture a really cool effect.
    Steve C.
  • Mikes photo wins it all. It goes to show that a line has been saved from the scrappers! It shows progress in railroading. Thank you WSOR for saving the line...and the state of Wisconsin!

    Dave Howarth Jr. Livin' On Former CNW Spur From Manitowoc To Appleton In Reedsville, WI

    - Formerly From The Home of Wisconsin Central's 5,000,000th Carload

    - Manitowoc Cranes, Manitowoc Ice Machines, Burger Boat

  • Mike, why on earth did you not use the website shot? That has to be one of the finest railshots I've EVER seen. The colors and textures of the farm blending with the train, artisticly stunning! How can we get a digital copy of that shot, it is not available off the WSOR site. Would you please publish it for us.
    Eric, great capture of the UP business train. I was just at Rochelle, 38 UP trains to 14 BNSF. So I saw enough of those great yellow monsters, but nothing as interesting behind them. BNSF actually ran an SD9, and one of the four Oakway leasing SD60s. I great place to visit!