Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 24: January 31, 2005

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 24: January 31, 2005

  • I had to go with photo#2 this round. As it had the mileage post, section occupation lights, the exhaust heat distortion in the air, and finally we can see so much more of the train, right to where it rounds the bend. All in all a more encompassing, and intresting shot in my humble opinion...Its cool revisiting your columns original premise again, (although I had'nt minded it's little evoloutions and changes either [^] ). By the way I also drive a high mileage auto, [my heart-beat of america's heart keeps on beating just like so many of its much larger cousins on the worlds rails out there!!! ] [:D][tup][bow]
  • I voted photo #2 because you could see more of the train and the slop it's on and you could see the man inside you could see the man in the other one but...................well.......yah
  • Very similar photos. But photo 2 has greater depth.
  • #2!
    currently on Tour with Sleeper Cell Sleeper Cell is @ Checkers in Bowling Green Ohio 12/31/2009 come on out to the party!!! we will be shooting more video for MTVs The Making of a Metal Band