Bradford Exchange

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Bradford Exchange

  • I subscribed to the Bradford Exchange Thomas Kinkade Christmas Express and no one there seems to have answers to my questions. Does anyone know if the couplings are magnetic? They didn't include and uncoupling magnet with the track set. If the couplings are not magnetic, how do I get them apart once they're coupled? Also, is the controller bluetooth compatible? I would appreciate any info you can give me.



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  • Since no has replied to your coupler question, and if you haven't found out already, from what I see on the web they are standard Bachmann "On3" couplers, which were listed as EZ-Mate couplers. They should be magnetic (and since the track is HO, any Kadee uncoupler should work), but there are numerous developed over the decades to manually uncouple - a popular is to use a pointy wood skewer to open the knuckle (heck, I just lift up one of my (HO scale) cars to couple from another if needed (the 5-digit method). No idea on the controller, sorry.