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  • Greendale already has 2 crossovers.  Why did CSX just install another crossover at Greendale.  They already put one north of Hermitage Road.  Also, track 4 is being extended with a switch installed near Hermitage Road.  How will this help?  Thanks, Carl 

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  • Obviously you know the area well.  Others, myself included, do not.  WHERE is ACCA Yard?  Is Greendale a street, a city or a neighborhood?  Is that the Hermitage Road in Nashville-Lebanon, TN, or is there another Hermitage Road I haven't encountered?

    Lastly, this should be down the page in the Trains Magazine forums.  This forum is kind of like posting your question on a billboard in Death Valley - Everybody knows it's there, but most people avoid it.

    Good luck on your quest for information.


  • ACCA is the Former RF&P's yard in Richmond. Hermitage, with its yard, was the junction between the SAL and the RF&P. 

    Chuck, as to Richmond streets, I know almost less than nothing. I have not been in Richmond in a car since 1941, though I have gone through there many times by train, even going by Hermitage Yard on my way to Newport News and then Norfolk this past April.

    As you say, this is not the best place for the original post.


  • The new control point will be named Lakeside - its creation permits extending the longest track at Acca by another 1800 feet.  It is slated to go into operation in early November 2016.

    Never too old to have a happy childhood!