Shorter attention spans leading to more rail accidents?

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Shorter attention spans leading to more rail accidents?

  • I know this is probably a sensitive topic for some, but I just got a notice that yet again today someone was hit down on Clybourn in Chicago, causing the trains on UP-N to run late.  I see people dodging the gates on bikes and on foot every evening down in Mount Prospect when I play my D&D games there at the game store by the tracks.  They don't even wait until the gates come up to cross after the train leaves, and usually there is another one right behind it.  Metra is reporting an increase in rail accidents, but given the shorter attention spans people have now, what possible safety could they introduce that won't lead to more and more of this?  How do you save people from their own problems?


    Modeling Pre-WP merger UP (1974-81)

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  • Not shorter attention spans, but less patience.  I remember being told to wait my turn, yield right-of-way and other similar things.  Current school policies downgrade these elements of common courtesy lest they harm the little darlings' delicate self-esteem.

    The only way to eliminate this problem is to move all mass and heavy transit either underground or into the air.  Then the same idiots will be taken out at street intersections by each other - but at least there won't be any trains involved and one fool's mistake won't inconvenience thousands.

    Chuck (situationally aware survivor)