When did it become illegal to take pictures of trains..

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When did it become illegal to take pictures of trains..

  • IFLICKFR8cars
    Well this is new to me, I was out taking pictures of freight cars yesterday, I was stop by someone who worked I believe for the UPRR even tho he never ID himself as a employee. He drove a white ford truck, he called me over and asked me what was I doing, so i walk to his driver side. I said "I'm just taking pictures of trains." He said "well you can't do that." I asked "why?" He said "Because its illegal to take pictures of trains." I said "what?! Who said this?" He goes to say "The Union Pacific railroad! ", "You are not allow to take pictures of the Union Pacific railroad it's illegal." he goes on and says "you want me to call the special agent?! In a threatening way...I'm said " I didn't do anything wrong I'm just taking pictures" he then goes on and say "why are you so interested in the railcar because it has graffiti?" He goes on and says " I bet you and your buddies did that." At this time he's looking at his phone as if he was calling someone. And says "I'll just have the specials agent sort this all out." I tell him "nope I don't even do that stuff, i tell him "I'm just taking pictures because I modelrailroad" he says "I don't care get out of here!"..I say alrite and leave..

    Hense at this time no trains were running. They were done for the day, I was taking my picture from the bank of the road and I wasn't on railroad property. I'm 39 years old and to assume I'm a "graffiti artist" was rude and very unprofessional. Maybe it's because of my skin color he assume I was up to no good.. All I had in my hand was a point and shoot camera; no markers,or spray paint..

    I guess your guilty of anything now a days...

    There's only two words to say in this situation:

    Bring it.

    This guy had zero authority to do anything but inform you if you were trespassing. 

  • WHAT!!! The so called worker is a fake he lieing obvyesly I mean no ID I'm telling you "fakeing id". W O W