4-8-4 Niagara 3040 Restoration

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4-8-4 Niagara 3040 Restoration

  • Some time ago on a really small town what remained of N de M's 3040 Niagara Locomotive was abandoned and corroding:

    Until people decided to recover their treasure of old, so restoration work began:

    And this is how it turned out:

    Hope you liked it.

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  • BigJim

    Call it what you will, but  as for me, it's not a Niagara unless it's an NYC. And there is none of them left to see.

    I tend to agree - but the number is a dead giveaway.  NYC's big barrels were numbered in the 6000s, except for the original, #5500.

    As I heard the story, the NDM officials who were touring the Alco plant saw a NYC Niagara under construction.  They adopted the name, but actually spelled it with only two As - Niagra - to preserve the New York pronunciation.

    Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)

  • Stourbridge Lion

    Got it spotted  19.371135° / -97.621873°

    Have not had a chance to travel to that part of Mexico but maybe someday...

    Looks to be setting on one end of an old Wye



    Google Earth's "Street View" has some good views of it!

    Semper Vaporo


  • As I understand it, the "Niagara" designation was adopted by NdeM for their QR-1 4-8-4 Locomotives instead of their real "Northern" designation due to the fact that these locos were running many miles south of the border with the US, so the calling them Northern did sound awkward at the time.

  • Call it what you will, but  as for me, it's not a Niagara unless it's an NYC. And there is none of them left to see.


  • Got it spotted  19.371135° / -97.621873°

    Have not had a chance to travel to that part of Mexico but maybe someday...

    Looks to be setting on one end of an old Wye


  • Glad you liked it.

    3040 is located  on a really small town called Oriental in the Southern State of Puebla, Mexico.

    The loco is on display just adyacent to the town's main entrance, so everybody can see it when entering or leaving by car, at night the front headlight is usually lit, from the distance it gives the impression that it might just be marching right at you, of course it's only an illusion due to the angle it is positioned towards the freeway.

    Another pic:


  • Looks Great!

    Where is she now?
