Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 14: August 23, 2004

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 14: August 23, 2004

  • I had tovote for Erik's. Although I liked Mike's shot alot. A long-hood-forward SD45 is just to rare not to vote for!
  • Score one for Erik. Again both shots are great but the long hood forward just too much to turn down, and up close to boot. Mike, your photo is great but sorry, he got ya this time
  • I'm a long hood first kind of guy.
  • I liked the great colors in Mike's photo. I know it is the typical 3 unit train shot, but the rich color and density make it one of those "Kodak moments." Erik's shot was very dramatic and a good photo, but I personally found it lacking enough content. I think I would have liked to have seen what the shot would have looked like if the camera had been moved about 40 feet to the right. Good work guys. Keep them coming.
  • guys don't make it easy, do you?

    Eric gets my vote again...I like the "in your face" approach and the angle of the SD45 as it digs into the banked curve.

    Mikes shot is no slouch...but (again) has an almost stereotypical appearance. It says to me that this is what most railfans want to see, so I'll do it like this (and that may well be good protocol)! The sky/cloud background is great. I agree with those who've said they think the diesels themselves are too dark.

    At any rate, they're both fine shots...but Eric's catches my fancy just a little better.

    It occurred to me that these guys are really brave to let us critique their efforts. I make no claim to any photo expertise...I just know that I like what I see.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that I'd be drawn and skewered if you folks were to judge any of my pics...they're all digital...without a tripod...and full of flaws.

    TJB - Nashville, TN
  • I really liked Eriks photo this week mainly because you can almost hear the diesel engine and the ground rumble under yer feet as the train approaches...the "face in the window" is a nice touch too....subect material...presentation. .....nice sunny day...just like we were all along for the ride...thanks fer the memory Erik....
  • Hard choice, but I prefer Erik's.
  • I voted for Mikes photo this week because i liked the fact that you could see more of the train ( its power, consist, manifest, and the like ) It gave me more info. I also liked Erics for its dramatic and unique aspects. They were both very exellent shots !!! Its proud on you guys ! Good Job !!!
  • A photo of an SD45 running "Southern Style" will get my vote every time.