Index of Magazines

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  • I'll have to check it out. I've been looking for a specific piece of information for a long time. Does the index just have articles or does it have product reviews too?
    I've tried to use it now for a couple of things both to no avail. The Layout search by size doesn't help too much. Searching by operating concept, features, or special characteristics would help. Also since the search engine can't go into the text of the articles if you don't know the exact key words you will never find.

    The issue by issue table of context is a nice idea except having to back in and out of the page each time. It would be so much nicer if one could just go straight to the "NEXT or Previous" issue.
    Specific example. In the 1970's Model Railroader published a track plan that had a town called "Equinox" in it. How do I find that? Don't know the layout size, so I tried several to no avail (especially since one can't limit the layout search to specific year range). Searched on the town name "Equinox" no avail, because it wasn't in the title. Don't know the "railroad name" either. If this could search the text it would have easly found this.

    Well, now I've tried to find several various things. But wasn't able to find any of them. Until the search is expanded for key words, or even the text of the article, it is worthless.


  • I found it hard to use, and when it appeared to work I did not have that issue, so I don't know if the article would have told me what I was looking for.
  • yes i have herd that it existed so thats y i am into all kinds of trains

    _ _ _ _ _ _

  • Does anyone have a idea what to pack for a 3 night trip on a traim in canada
  • I like trains mag also passenger train journal which used to be published. The index is nicre to have
  • I use it regurlarly since i have been a subscriber to Model Railroader since 1949 and have all (or most) of the issues, and quite a few other magazines as well. I can locate articles that I am interested in and if I do not have that magazine, I get a photocopy of said article from the NMRA Kalmbach Library at a very modest charge. A nice benefit for becoming an NMRA member.
  • I have used the index for serveral years. It is a valuable research tool for train related projects. Finding the right keyword is sometimes a problem though. Thanks Kalmbach for hosting the index.

    Remember its your railroad


      Track to the BRVRR Website:

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by rnmikesell

    It really helps when researching before starting a modeling project. Just wi***hat once you located the article there was a way that you could then download it and print it our. I'd be willing to pay for that capability.
  • Pay? [:(!]
    Just copy and paste in your favorite program such as Word. Or use your emailer program, select html mail for good formatting, mail to yourself and print it out.--Mike [:)]

    QUOTE: Originally posted by rnmikesell

    It really helps when researching before starting a modeling project. Just wi***hat once you located the article there was a way that you could then download it and print it our. I'd be willing to pay for that capability.
  • As a prototype modeler, this is an extremely useful tool for researching potential projects.

    Terry Wellman
  • It's invaluable. I print them and keep them at the front of the binder . This saves me a lot of time searching for the article I want. Keep up the good work !
  • I have all issues Trains from Nov 1940 to date. The indexes are useful but a consolidate index for all years would even be more useful. I to would be willing to pay a fee for downloading back issues, also not just articals. For a consolidate index of all issues I would pay a fee in the $100 range because it would save so much time to be able to find all issues on the subject you are researching. Of course not a printed index but a CD or DVD version of the index .
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by FrankStratton

    I never looked at the bar that high up on the page probably because that is where most of the advertisement is found so I don't look there. Now that I know it is there I will probably use it, maybe even a lot. Thanks!

    My thoughts exactly. Except that... I heard of its existence probably twice, but never knew how to access it. Now I know it's at the very top, where I rarely look due to ads, just like Frank said. Thanks for letting me know where I could get at it.
  • trains are so cool [bow][censored][censored][bow][4:-)][4:-)][swg][tup][tdn][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz]
  • trains are so cool [bow][censored][censored][bow][4:-)][4:-)][swg][tup][tdn][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz][zzz]