Index of Magazines

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  • I have used the database since Jeff S. designed it. I honestly can't think of a more useful database that I use. My local train club has a complete collection of Model Railroader magazines, I like the idea of putting the database on CD-ROM it would be useful for our club. Our club is located in a museum in a small town so a convienent internet connection is pretty far fetched.

    "Still plays with trains"
  • I think it would be used more if people knew it was even need to make access to it a bold button..I found it by accident and it's such a great resource, you need to hipe it more.


  • it is a great resource.
  • [#ditto]
  • I have 30 yrs of back issues & whatever I need info I can find the Month & year in seconds. I especially like to refer to the past product reviews when I am looking for a specific Locomotive or other item. ***
  • A very useful resource which I have used since before it came under the Kalmbach umbrella. It makes it very easy to research material I have in my extensive collection of back issues of Trains, MR, RMC and NG&SLG. Keep up the good work!
  • I never knew about this index until today, but i will use it now. I'm from Manchester England and need as much info as possible on American Railroads. I bought some Atlas and Lifelike N gauge models in June this year
    and am just building my first model layout.
    Les Peel
  • I use it every now and then, it can be very helpful when you're looking for a specific piece of information.
  • I have MR back to 74 and scattered issues of the other magazines back that far plus various older issues I've purchased. I use the Index every couple of months for my modeling and about the same amount to assist posters on various lists I belong to.

    It is a valuable resource.

    Dave H.

    Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website :

  • One major improvement would be to be able to EXCLUDE certain magazines. Some of my searches are crowded with items I have would rather not see. I do not want to name the mags since that may start a flame war.

    Now on the positive - This is a great resource which I have used since its inception. Thanks Kalmbach for helping us all.

  • While I find this index usful, it would be 100% better if you could actually see the article as opposed to a table of contents. Tracking down the back issues doesn't really help when you information ASAP.

  • Thanks for letting me know this exists. I'm hoping to find German publications of which there are many, or the English language version of Marklin Insider.

  • I have been using it since it was on the Accurail site. I have a wall full of modeling and prototype magazines complete from about 1972. This Index makes them far more valuable to me.......and others. Thanks to Kalmbach for keeping it alive and to all those who keep it current.
  • It's the first place I go when looking for magazine articles.

    However it needs improvement. I'm generally pretty good at searches, but while I usually find useful articles, I have had trouble finding a number that I know exist[:(]

    For instance when I was looking for a RMC series on track maintence equipment, I did 6 or 7 searches before I ran across one of them. Once I found that one I found that the titles were "timber gang". A Title search the found them.

    I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

    I don't have a leg to stand on.

  • Finding out about this option makes me feel both as "DAH" and "YEA". Dah, because I never saw it there for looking and Yea for now being able to refer to it. Thanks again Kalmbach.[D)] & [:D]