Index of Magazines

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  • Like many others, I never realized the index was there/available. As a neophyte Model Railroader and one truly ignorant of railroads, there is MUCH I have to learn as I try to get into the hobby and build and accurate of the Flint Hills & Fall River RR in 1955. What engines, what cars, what, what, what is accurate to the time? How do I...? I think the index will prove VERY helpful to me. Thanks for making me aware of it!

  • Yes, I've used going back a few years when it was hosted by Accurail.

    Wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Kalmbach for hosting it now. Much appreciated! [^][:)]
    "Paul [Kossart] - The CB&Q Guy" [In Illinois] ~ Modeling the CB&Q and its fictional 'Illiniwek River-Subdivision-Branch Line' in the 1960's. ~
  • ive never herd of it
  • I'll bet there's a lot more on this forum I have missed besides this option. An optional $ charge; there's merit. The ball in your court management. Run with it. Perhaps downloading a Kalmbach
    article can be linked to our subcription number such as being a subscriber to MR.

    I pay $9.00 a month to belong to and that's a minimum membership.

    For trains, I wouldn't object paying a fee for up-grades/enhancement options. Maybe, you can increase the download speed too.
  • didn't realize it was there but there is a project that it will assist in and and others that haven't been thought of. Thanks!!!
  • I have been showing up here for quite awhile and this is the first I have seen of the resource. Looks like a great thing to me. I will vist it from time to time.
  • What is this index used for?
  • I think I'll use it more now that i've looked at it.
  • I find it an invaluable asset
    Keep up the good work.
  • I didn't know it existed. I have a collection of contiguos years of mostly MR bought cheifly from newstands and as a non-subscriber for the majority of these years, have no index for the magazines. Access to an index is a big plus.To be able to print down specific years would be just great. I have been subscribing again for the last couple of years to MR so I get the annual index as a subscriber again, but for earlier years, the service is appreciated.
    Geoff I wish I was better trained.
  • I want to double what CBQ guy said: THANKS, Kalmbach, for maintaining it and hosting it. It's a tremendous resourse that's unparalleled in almost any other hobby.
  • I use it all the time.
  • The index is super, but there's the problem of getting hands on the issue that has what I'm looking for on it. I think the idea to have a download capability would be fantastic and something that I would readily pay a fee for.
  • óííééé
  • I never knew this index existed, but now that I do it should be useful.