Windows 7 and latest IE conflicting with

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Windows 7 and latest IE conflicting with

  • I have Windows 7 and the latest version of Internet Explorer on some of my family's computers.

    I can read forums but cannot reply to posts on those machines.  If I copy a quote into the reply frame, I cannot edit or type over it.  If I type in a reply in the reply frame or type my reply in another application (Notepad, Wordpad, Word) and try and paste a reply as text into the reply frame the forum does not recognize the reply and gives me an error message that I must enter a reply.

    If I go to another machine without Windows 7 and an older version of IE, I have no problems posting.

    Any suggestions on how to get Windows 7, IE and to play well together?

    Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website :

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  • Stay away from MS I.E.

    Download "Firefox" or "Crome".

    I really like Firefox and it is free.

  • IE9 is no cloud 9. The more I used it the more problems I had kept cropping up so went back to 7.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • Phoebe Vet

    In the upper right corner of the screen, at the right edge of the address bar, there is an icon that looks like a torn sheet of paper.

    Click that.  You will only have to do it once.

    Thanks, I needed that also.


  • Just wondering if you were having issues with IE8 or not as I hear various folks with IE8 having strange issues on forum sites...

  • Don't you hate the phrase "New and Improved"?


    Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow

  • Kaa-chingggg

    Worked great, thanks for the advice!!!

    Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website :

  • In the upper right corner of the screen, at the right edge of the address bar, there is an icon that looks like a torn sheet of paper.

    Click that.  You will only have to do it once.


    Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow