Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 12: July 26, 2004

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 12: July 26, 2004

  • with no uncertainty- PHOTO 2!

    Like the stage in theatre, Photo Two fills the frame with many things to catch your eye and make you think- plants in the swamp, different diesels, blue sky, etc.
    Also, (like in theatre), if you can't wow em' with a rare shot of the last Alco in Minnesota, or a carefully placed Wall Drug bumper sticker, distract em' with eye candy, something photo two does very well. Descriptively, "Eye candy" is used in a good way, by the way.

    For the sake of Photo 1, it's nice, two is just too compelling to pass up. There is an sleek, artsy, modernistic style to One, but gimme the reality of railroads in their naturall element.

    Plus, living on a BNSF branch line, swamp railroad is hard to pass up.

    Keep up the great photos,
    Ron from Minn.
  • The dark against the light. That cool sharp silhouette with a hint of BNSF stripe. No excess detail to clutter up the photo!
    "There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
  • Both are terrific. Sure, had number one had a sunset, it would have been even more appealing. Anyway, I voted for number 2 because of the variety, and the reflection, though the wind and grass interferes a bit. Rarely is there ever a perfect shot to be had, and both of these were terrific. Keep up the great work!
  • Had to vote for No. 2. Being a Canuck, I'm biased towards a Canadian paint scheme. Reminded me of some of the pastoral type shots that can be gotten in B.C. on the short lines (unfortunately not too many left!) Thanks for allowing my comments. Nice pictures, both of you. All the best,

  • This was a tough choice! I voted for #1. It is by far the most artistic & thought-provoking of the two. It would make a great cover illustration for a book or magazine.

    #2 is a great train picture, but it is just that: a great train picture. we' ve all seen lots of those.

    Rich Witt
  • It was a tough call, but I had to go with photo # 1. Shooting an evening shot directly into the sunset is certainly no easy task. I have a feeling that this lead unit has a story to tell to all who just cast a glance upon her achivements. We are also a railroading family, and have several family members who are locomotive engineers with BNSF. I cast my vote for photo # 1.
  • Let's see, hummm, both photographs are wonderful, however, my vote goes for #1. I'm sure it's a BNSF locomotive, but it could as easily be from any other railroad, I would turn that photograph into a large wall poster just for the distinct look. Photo #2 has it own quality and setting. Look good as 18 x 24 framed wall portrait.
  • Two "mood" shots. Don't think even #2 would make it as a good modelers reference photo, so which has more 'punch' ? I go with #1 - maybe we could even hope it heralds "a brighter day ahead for railroading.
  • Wow, what a close race this weekend!

    50/50 at the moment, an exact dead heat!

    I voted for #1 this weekend, it's a neat shot lighting wise, would make neat wallpaper.
  • To me it was a no brainer as #2 showed more of the train #1 to me was a photographer's photo, but as I like seeing trains and am not into photography my ote was definetely #1
  • Tough choice this week. As said many times earlier in the responses, 2 totally different types of photos. Both deserve to win this week. I finally voted for # 2 because fo the detail that was captured. Keep up the good work & keep making it this tough.
  • Picture 2 looks more like the kinds of pictures that I would have taken, as I think it is more picturesque than the subject shot of the sun in picture 1. Picture 2's subject is the locomotives.
  • It was really tough to decide, but I voted for #1.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • Whew, read all of the comments and studied the images for considerable time, still came up with the same conclusion. My taste is aparently vastly different than those of the list, or perhaps I own one of those computers with an "underexposed monitor". I did not vote on either as to my way of viewing and experience both were as close to being underexposed as it is possible to get. I am having a difficult time trying to understand what each of the photographers were trying to achiev. I read their comments, and still am confused. To me the images are or could be test shots to see just what could be achieved shooting in "available Dark" My compliaments to both, but their images unfortunitly fell short of inspiring.

    C Webb
  • This is after the fact written on 8/03 but I say it's a tossup. Photo # 1 came out wery dark on my monitor (10 months old) but it has the drama, power and the sundog. Photo # 2 is about live action railroading in a pastoral scene, almost a perfect shot.

    I'm really writing to say that it's a shame to retire that wig-wag signal that works as well now as when it was installed. In any event I sure hope it goes to a collector.
