Teen Railfan Place - Winter 2010

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Teen Railfan Place - Winter 2010

  • Not much new from me...Amtrak 66 (Northeast Regional) had the original power, an AEM-7, fail so it had a P42 leading instead. It also had a baggage car for some reason.

    And on the Red Line as we pulled into Park Street, the Red Line operator literally called out every announcement in the book one after another! I am dead serious, not kidding at all! Here's most of the ones I can remember!

    "Now entering Park Street. Doors open on the right first, then on the left [the station has two side platforms and a center platform]. Let the passengers off the train before boarding. Watch the gap between the platform and train. If you see suspicious activity, please report it to an MBTA official or Transit Police Officer. Remember, if you see something, say something! Please step back from the yellow line. Please step back from the doors when they are opening. Fare evasion is a federal offense. Next stop Charles Street."

    Besides announcing EVERYTHING that's available to operators to announce (which was REALLY ODD!), he seems to be under the impression that Charles/MGH station is for Charles Street...it is above Charles Street, but it's also right next to the CHARLES RIVER! Tongue

  • Well, apparently, 4240 has been scrapped. Last Thursday at the shops. I last saw it on the 27th, 4th and last time (November being moved to shops, January at shops, February at shops, February on a siding), and it's gone. The good news is that it's being done to save the other Alcos. Besides, it never ran; I heard it arrived with a "Do Not Start" tag. Photo not mine:

    In other news, I'll be putting a new video on Youtube soon. I currently have 24 subscribers, so I thought that once I hit 25, I'll put a mini video up. Nothing special, just clips from my best videos, all mashed into one minute. Look for it (hopefully) soon!

    My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
    My Photos on Flickr: Flickr
    My Videos on Youtube: Youtube
    My Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives

  • Time to start a new edition of Teen Railfan Place:

