Teen Railfan Place - Winter 2010

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Teen Railfan Place - Winter 2010

  • Snow is upon most of us, we're overdue for a new place!

    Link to old place:


    I did go shooting a week ago, but I'm in the middle of exams, so no time for any editing yet.


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  • Well, we got our first snow 3 months ago... but that's beside the point...

    Meh, I have exams next week... AND, I found out today, that all my exam proctors suck. No one fun, or at least decent...

    I guess I'll post the first photo...
    This one's from back in July, but IDK if I ever posted it...

    On a cloudy (and later VERY RAINY) July day, NJT 1002, a new MP20B-3, shuffles a Comet III and an ALP-44, both of which will soon be placed in retirement:

    My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
    My Photos on Flickr: Flickr
    My Videos on Youtube: Youtube
    My Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives

  • My exams are going to be pretty good. I don't even have any on one of the days!

    Well later I'll have some pictures of a recent trip I took on the CN. Nothing special, so no hurry to post them.

  • My exams suck. 5 exams in 3 days. Day 1 is Math and Contemp. World (History), Day 2 is Physics and French, and lastly Day 3 Chemistry. All except French are 3 hour exams, French is two hours. At least the studying is pretty much over. It's hit or miss now...


  • 6 in 3 days here. Tuesday is Algebra 2H and Spanish 2, Wednesday is Theology 2 and Chem H, and Thursday is English 2H and US History 1.
    And on Wednesday, I have the same proctor for both exams, who I hate. 3 1/2 hours of sitting in a room with someone who I can barely stand for 40 minutes. Now, of course she won't be talking, but still, I just don't like her...

    Another older one...

    The Lackawanna doesn't own anything like this...
    On a hot summer day, a new Multilevel sits in the historic ex- Lackawanna Hoboken Terminal, c. 1907:

    I really like this picture, because of the old iron platform gates in front of the ML.

    My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
    My Photos on Flickr: Flickr
    My Videos on Youtube: Youtube
    My Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives

  • What a great thread this is turning out to be. I'm loving all these wonderful trip reports and photos !Wink

    My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
    My Photos on Flickr: Flickr
    My Videos on Youtube: Youtube
    My Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives

  • Well today I went out to Naperville for a friend's birthday, and we didn't see anything good, but it was extremely busy and a BNSF GEVO did have quite a bit of primer on the nose! http://www.flickr.com/photos/24084206@N08/4277234609/

    Also, no stupid new signals up yet, but with the recent warmup and the snow starting to finally melt here, I doubt that's going to last. They were doing work down by the other CB&Q signal bridge behind me in that photo, so that one might have its days numbered too.

    Robby Gragg - EJ&E fan Railpictures photos: http://www.railpictures.net/showphotos.php?userid=5292 Flickr photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24084206@N08/ Youtube videos: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EJE665 R-V videos: http://www.rail-videos.net/showvideos.php?userid=5292
  • On Thursday, 4629 was reported on its flatcar through Illinois, on its way to Pueblo.

    This afternoon, there was a report of an ALP-46A (4630) on a flatcar (guess they put it on in the last few days?) in Selkirk. That was the planned route to the MMC, although I don't know why they couldn't have taken the direct route, which is only a few miles...

    And here's a picture (not mine)  of 4630, after Conrail put it on the ground in Port Newark:

    My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
    My Photos on Flickr: Flickr
    My Videos on Youtube: Youtube
    My Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives

  •  well i don't have that much finals  this year. only real final i have is in Consumer Math which is the whole year otherwise everything else is just a unit test.

    other wise not much new here.

  • Well only one exam left, so I put some time aside to put this together. Was originally about 20 minutes in length, down to less than half that. Video shows Via Rail's two northern Quebec trains splitting at Hervey Jonction to go their separate ways. See "more info" for more info on the trains:


    Everything was all frozen up, and the crew spent lots of time trying to get things to uncouple, and hooking up air and HEP took a while too. Edited most of that out though. Also some pretty good sound clips of that 645 when they go from idle to notch 8 for the HEP.


  • Good news, folks, DM&IR 215 has returned from the dead, and is back working the Two Harbors switching duty.


    This week was the first in a while I've been able to get out and about, and some good stuff was found. Here's NPR 3508, which is now servicing the Superior, WI, oil facilities.


    Back at the BNSF facilities, I stumble upon BNSF 2218, 991, and 5522, respectively.


    Back in Aitkin, I kept an eye out for the tri-weekly Brainerd Local on Friday, and it doesn't disappoint. BNSF 1530 and 3125(a GP50 with the BN logo still on the side). Plenty of BN nostalgia on these two locos.

    Can't resist some video of these two just getting under way out of Lakes States Lumber.



    Next was the catch of the weekend, and something that still has me a bit puzzled. Saturday morning, hearing a horn, I rush to see what's heading by. The train appears at first to be a coal train with some interesting ATSF hoppers, but instead, it's a manifest. The Brainerd Subdivision usually only has the tri-weekly local, and coal traffic. This same train blasted by Friday night around midnight as well. Here it is at Deerwood, led by an ES44DC(rarely, if ever seen on the Brainerd Sub), and a Dash 9(a rare visitor as well).


    Long Live the Missabe! Pics http://www.flickr.com/photos/midminnrailfan(no longer updated) http://mid-minn-railfan.rrpicturearchives.net/ Video http://www.youtube.com/user/MidMinnRailfan
  • I got myself a nice, all EJ&E consist yesterday! http://www.flickr.com/photos/24084206@N08/4288402577/

     It had almost all EJ&E rolling stock behind it to boot!

    Robby Gragg - EJ&E fan Railpictures photos: http://www.railpictures.net/showphotos.php?userid=5292 Flickr photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24084206@N08/ Youtube videos: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EJE665 R-V videos: http://www.rail-videos.net/showvideos.php?userid=5292
  • Caught 4124 with a short consist at Morris Plains Monday morning. It's a bad photo (I used my phone to get a shot out the window of the car...), so I won't post it, but Here's The Link

    My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
    My Photos on Flickr: Flickr
    My Videos on Youtube: Youtube
    My Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives

  • It's a pretty decent shot for a camera phone out a window (actually, exceptional in that regard) but if you've resorted to that, you really need to go railfanning!

    - Tyler, who hasn't even created a "2010" folder for photos yet.

  • My phone actually does have a pretty good camera. Not much you can do with it, other than hit the shutter button, but it still takes really good photos

    And I really do need to get railfanning. The last time I actually stopped to see a train was in December, and that was only because I was riding it. The fact that I can't drive and my parent's are too lazy to take me anywere doesn't help either...
    But for that, we were in the car, on the way to our game (actually, I just realized the reflections in the lower left are my hockey sticks...), and we're driving down the road. Stop at a red light, train pulls in, so what else would I do other than take my phone out? Common sense! Wink

    The one place I'd really like to go railfanning is Bound Brook. NJT RVL, NS Lehigh Line, and CSX Trenton Line all running together. I could take the train to Newark Broad, hop on the NLR (Newark Light Rail, formerly Newark city subway), and take the RVL from Newark Penn. 3 train rides (6 total, since it's round trip), tons of trains, and visiting a line I've never seen before, doesn't sound too bad! Now, of course, it'd cost me kinda a lot for the ticket...

    Another place I'd like to try is Princeton Junction. Tons of NEC action, including 125 mph Acelas, and I could take a ride on the Dinky (basically a two car Arrow III set that covers all the runs on the Princeton Branch, which is only like 4 miles). That'd be fun.

    And my 2010 folder has 4 photos in it total... the one of 4124, a MRR one, and two general photography (the two in the links above)... The fact that I no longer have a camera and currently have no money to buy one doesn't help...

    My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
    My Photos on Flickr: Flickr
    My Videos on Youtube: Youtube
    My Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives