digital camera question

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digital camera question

  • I have read that digital SLR's can have their light sensitivity changed, for example from ISO 200 to ISO 1600 if needed for the available light. My question is this; what are the trade offs? If the ISO goes up does the resulting picture take up more room in the camera's memory?


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  • QUOTE: Originally posted by overall

    I have read that digital SLR's can have their light sensitivity changed, for example from ISO 200 to ISO 1600 if needed for the available light. My question is this; what are the trade offs? If the ISO goes up does the resulting picture take up more room in the camera's memory?

    Grain becomes more noticable the higher the ISO. On the Canon Digital Rebel, it can be set at ISO 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1600. Here's one on my website that was taken in twilight on an overcast day at 1600: You'd have to blow it up rather large to be offended by grain.

    There is a filesize penalty the faster the ISO, but it's insignificant.
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