working man's view

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working man's view

  • I was at a train show yestarday & picked up to binders of the 1974 & 1978 of Model railroader and while looking quickly through all the old issues, one thing seemed to make think... I notice sometimes that in these days of model railroading there seems to be many layouts featured that are done by people that have the money & can spend 24/7 on their layouts. ( well it seems that way) Maybe I am looking at this from the working man's view. I think will my layout ever be featured in a magazine or just mentioned. I saw in some of the old issues they had a section for students and their layouts and what they were doing. I was thinking shouldn't they have a section in any model railroading magazine where someone like me ( or if there is any more that feel like I do)or anyone who wants that dream layout that works on there layout when they can. Now we all now all of our layouts are great Railroads of the mine and they should all be mentioned and seen...

    does anyone think that there should be something like this in a magazine, something like an update or whatever.. or am I thinking too much....



    ~Thunder Mountain Railroad~
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  • I just work on my layout as time permits.Matt(my son) likes to help.
    stay safe

    Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


  • What you rarely see pictures of in those layout stories is the unfinished stuff, although it may be mentioned in the text. Some folks do have the time and money to do an extensive layout quickly. Many others are long term "overnight successes." They've been working on the project for a long time and it's finally ready.

    Can't forget armchair modellers. I have my layout, but it's not "ready." I don't always have the time or the wherewithall to work on the layout itself, but I do try to work in some of the buildings, etc that will make up the finished product.

    Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
    Everyone goes home; Safety begins with you
    My Opinion. Standard Disclaimers Apply. No Expiration Date
    Come ride the rails with me!
    There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...

  • All of the project railroads have been small ones. mostly 4'x8'. Model railroad planning had several bookshelf ideas over the past couple fo years so I do think you have a skewed viewpoint. Personally I prefer the most relasitic layout regardless of size as that is where I learn the most about scenery techniques. One of the best years ago was 2'x3' trolley layout with two levels and excllent scenery inclduing a truss bridge. And it all looked plausible.