What's Metra going to do with their F40Cs?

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What's Metra going to do with their F40Cs?

  • What is Metra going to do with their F40Cs? I heard they were replacing them with the new locomotives, but are they going to sell them to other RR co.'s, or are they going to scrap them? And one more question: why was Metra the only Railroad Company to own F40Cs?
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  • I'll bet one will eventually wind up at IRM. But I'm still seeing them on the Elgin line, so I don't think they're quite dead yet!

    Ray Breyer

    Modeling the NKP's Peoria Division, circa 1943

  • I Heard that they could see them to Montreal and yes their the only company to own F40C but Amtrak owned some SDP40F which are the same but have differnet desings