On YouTube at It's My Railroad
Oh my gosh. Last time I looked around I couldn't find any. Now, they appear to be everywhere.
I've got an N scale two truck shay made by Atlas and six log cars but I'm not interested in selling it at the moment...
Contact N Scale Supply https://www.nscalesupply.com/atl/ATL-LocomotiveShay.html Looks like they might have some.
One on EBAY "Buy it now" https://www.ebay.com/p/Atlas-41636-N-scale-2-truck-Shay-East-Side-Logging/27013814300?iid=192449213964
Looks like a couple here http://www.lombardhobby.com/N-Scale-Steam-s/64.htm
I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.
I don't have a leg to stand on.
Hey guys,
I've been looking around for an N-scale 2 truck shay but I just can't find one. I would even accept a used one. Anybody think they can help.
Please let me know, and thanks.