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HO American Flyer 4-6-4 repair

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HO American Flyer 4-6-4 repair
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 8, 2002 10:16 AM
I got this HO American Flyer 4-6-4 (Maybe 2-6-4 or 4-6-2 can't remember) NYC engine from my Dad. The tender is the pickup and the motor is in the engine. I know he had it in the mid 60's maybe earlier. It runs fine. Sounds good. Well it did not smoke well but it did smoke. About a month ago I thought it needed more smoke fluid. I couldn't find the little squeeze bottle I normally use so I used this other bottle. The drops were much bigger. Basicly it overflowed after about three drops. I tried to clean out the excess. Now the engine won't smoke at all. Any ideas?

Ted from Ohio.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 8, 2002 8:57 PM
Ted I can't promise that this would work but you might try blowing out the smoke unit with some compressed air. Nothing high pressure...just like from an airbrush compressor or one of those cans of compressed air thats used to clean computer keyboards. Basically all smoke fluids are refined mineral oil with some type of aromatic in them to kill the awful smell of the heated mineral oil. Sounds like what you used might have been too thick and its clogged up the heating element. Also make sure that the electrical connection to the heating unit is OK. You might want to post your question on the operating toy trains forum too as some one there may have a better idea. Take Care and Have Fun....Vic
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 9, 2002 7:47 AM
Thanks Vic. I was using Bachman smoke fluid. My dad used to use a Labelle oil on occasion. The train hasn't smoked well for years. I will try your suggestion.

Ted from Ohio.

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