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General Discussion (Model Railroader)
UP vs Model Railroaders This Madness has to end. (Lawyers I want options)
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by UNIONPACIFIC4018</i> <br /><br />Sounds like you the usual guys who do not model UP complaining again. oh no an extra 5.00 bucks......... on what a 5-7 hundred dollar steam engine please get over it. <br />Model railroading is exspensive all around. <br /> <br />[/quote]Well, I DO model the UP, and the UP fee is getting into my pocket in a big way, and I don't like it! UP doesn't need it, and I can't afford it. <br /> <br /><font color="blue"><b>What you people don't seem to come to grips with</b>, is that this is hurting the entire model railroading hobby - every $5 I have to pay to UP for a "licensed" loco, is one less decal, one less bottle of paint, one less package of detail parts I can afford. The five bucks that UP is extorting from me could better be spent supporting another hobby-related business, most of which are small companies that really do need the money.</font id="blue"> <br /> <br />UP doesn't HAVE to charge a licensing fee, they're just doing because they found out they CAN. The amount of money UP will get from modelers in a year is a drop in the bucket compared to just an average day's shipping revenues. It probably doesn't even cover all the legal fees they're running up by falling all over themselves suing everybody in sight. <br /> <br />If you're someone living off a huge pension and modeling the 1930's northeast, well OK then, maybe you really don't care anything about this. But for the rest of us working stiffs...as someone who wants to model the contemporary northwestern US on a modest hobby budget with lots of other real-life obligations tugging on my wallet, this completely UNECESSARY extra fee they're taking from modelers, <i>that in no way returns to benefit the hobby,</i> and that is also not actually adding anything significant to UP's corporate bottom line, HURTS! <br /> <br />UP needs to start concentrating on getting thier 1:1 scale business straightened out, <font color="red">and quit screwing the model railroaders.</font id="red"> <br /> <br />UNION PACIFIC -"Bilking America" <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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