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Roadbed for Foam Board Layouts

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Roadbed for Foam Board Layouts
Posted by ksax73 on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 10:56 AM

I was wondering, what is the best type of roadbed to use for foam board layouts. I'm trying to imagine usind cork roadbed but it seems to me that this may be fairly difficult if I'm trying to permanently fasten the roadbed to the board. Maybe an appropriate size nail will be all I need?



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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:04 PM
Hello ksax73,

I've built three layouts using foam board as a subroadbed, and I can recommend two roadbed materials.

Cork roadbed works well if glued to the foam board with yellow carpenter's glue or Liquid Nails for Projects. I then glue my track to the roadbed with a bead of Walther's Goo or a thin layer of Liquid Nails for Projects.

Homasote is also quite suitable. You can cut out the roadbed from a 4 x 8-foot sheet (available at most home-improvement stores) or use a commercial product such as Homabed. Glue the Homasote to the foam board with yellow's carpenter glue.

The advantage Homasote offers is that it holds spikes very well, so gluing the track isn't necessary.

Whether you choose cork or Homasote, have some long T-pins handy, like the kind Woodland Scenics offers, to pin the roadbed to the foam board while the glue dries.

Hope this helps,

Paul Schmidt
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:51 PM
On my layout, I used Woodland Scenics Track Bed. It's made of flexible foam and is very easy to cut. I used white glue to hold the roadbed to the foam, then used the glue it to hold the track to the roadbed.
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Posted by snowey on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 12:15 AM
I used WS Track Bed on my layout, too. You can use any of the commeceial roadbeds. Cork, Woodland Scenics Track-Bed, homasote, AMI "Insta-bed", anything. Just remember, though, only use water-based adhesives (white glue, yellow carpenters glue, Woodland Scenics Foam-Tac glue, Liquid Nails, to name a few) on foam!
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Posted by Dad Howe on Thursday, November 21, 2002 1:21 PM
I am using Woodland Scenics Track bed and am very satisfied with it. It is cheaper to purchase than the cork available in my area, VERY EASY to work with, and, by using Liquid Nails for projects, if I mess something up or don't align it right, can be pulled up from the foam bed and relaid properly.

Have fun!

Dad Howe

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