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Largest home layout in world is...ugggh, Penn Central!
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by KemacPrr</i> <br /><br />Hey Warthogdrvr thanks for the kind words regarding your open house visit.[/quote] <br /> <br />Thanks again for opening it up to the public. Unfortunately my 3 yr old son couldn't attend with me, he and my wife were in State College, PA, visiting my in-laws and it was the last open house you were having. I hope to bring him next year, if you'll be doing something along the same lines. If you want to see a kids' eyes get as big as saucers and a smile that won't quit, watch when he comes up the stairs and is surrounded by trains! <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: We had about 750 people total at 3 open house events. The rr and my grass survived intact.[/quote] <br /> <br />That's a good thing; I'm sure it's no fun doing massive repairs on either! <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: Glad you got to take the throttle for a run over the Buffalo line. I decided to let the crews do that as long as they kept an eye on the visitor and the signals.[/quote] <br /> <br />It was a hoot! First time I have run a train via wireless DCC, and I'm hooked. The gentleman who let me run (I believe his last name was Tyler, but I could be wrong) gave me good instructions on what to look out for with the signals, suggested throttle settings, and how to avoid derailing a string of cars over Keating Summit. <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: The main reason I do this every year is my attempt to help the hobby.[/quote] <br /> <br />Judging by the people and kids I saw at your open house, I'd say you're helping quite a bit. The look on the kids' faces made me wish I could have brought my son - seeing how much they were enjoying themselves put a smile on my face, too! <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: It's fun to watch little kids walk around with the mini step stools I provide to get a better view of the rr and the parents backs appreciate even more. Kids are still fascinated by trains , sound equipted ones even more so. Hopefully I planted a small seed in one of the visitors that will take root later on to become a future model railroaders.[/quote] <br /> <br />I'm sure you have. I remember the different layouts my grandfather and father brought me to see when I was quite young, and I still have some very vivid memories from those visits. I went to an open house at The Model Railroad Club, Inc., in Union, NJ, when I was about 5 years old - and I don't remember much else from when I was that old! <br /> <br />Ken, keep up the good work as an ambassador to the hobby. You've helped bring me back into the fold, and I'm sure you've done the same for a lot of your visitors - young and old. In a few years when my layout comes to fruition I will remember to open it up and help spread the hobby to current and future generations! <br /> <br />If you are ever in need of operators or volunteers to help in the future, please keep me in mind. I would enjoy having a cup of coffee and talking with you and your other operators about trains! <br /> <br />For the gentleman who suggested Ken send in some Pennsy steam power pictures for trackside photos, you might be in luck. Hopefully I'm not letting the cat out of the bag, but I think I saw one of Broadway Limited's Pennsy J-1s idling in a locomotive servicing area...
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