Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
QUOTE: "!..I just snipped the ends of my hoses with a pair of dikes so they wouldn't get caught up on turnout frogs and the like...well, I finally started to use magnetic uncouplers and now I'm going to have to change out my entire fleet of cars with new KADEE couplers because they don't work with the magnetic uncoupler with the hose ends snipped off..
QUOTE: Originally posted by Don Gibson CHUCK: Those KD's with the "hoses snipped off" are still usefull. They do everything except uncouple over a magnet. Use them on cars you normally run together (passenger) or in 'set's. They still will couple. (Real railroads uncoupled by hand).There's a 'swizle stick' uncoupler in your future.
QUOTE: Originally posted by NZRMac Chuck I for one would like to see some progress photos of your year old layout!! We hear about what's happening and can only imagine!! Ken.
"The first transition era - wood to steel!"