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Hair Clipper Oil?
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by Don Gibson</i> <br /><br />[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by kbfcsme</i> <br />..."No other oil comes close to the detergents in ATF. I have literally seen dirty wheels clean up just by applying ATF to them and running them a bit in a cradle with Dexron 3 on the <b>swab</b>. <br />I first got the idea after a club member brought Railzip to the layout, and it seemed to work fine, until it dried out. See, RailZip is water based. Oils tend to dry out at a much slower rate. Plus my day job sometimes puts me up to my elbows in a transmission, replacing little <i>plastic & electrical </i>parts! But I realize Don that this is all lost on you. I simply threw the idea out in case someone else may get some use of it. Differn't stroke for differn't folks, ya know?[/quote] <br /> <br />Since this is presumably "lost on me" (I can accept this) you will be good enough to explain after the <font color="red">Detergent</font id="red"> dissolves the 'dirt contaminants' into an <font color="red">oil suspension</font id="red"> how one get's rid of the 'dirt'? Perhaps the word I hylighted <b>"swab"</b> is the clue? <br /> <br />In the case of any oil/dirt suspension on the track - and if it doesnt dry out - where does it go?? You might try going back and re-read my posts. <br /> <br />What's next? WD-40? <br />[/quote] <br />Don <br />I've used ATF on a <b>swab</b> in conjunction with an engine cradle to clean wheels, I've also used it on a paper towel and driven one end of a diesel onto it to clean the wheels, but in 99% of the cases, just 2-3 drops on the tracks is all I use in front of an oncoming train cleans the whole train. Where the dirt goes, I dont know, or really care! I have seen cars "shed" small chunks of dirt, I can only assume that all do . I havn't cleaned wheels on a car since I can remember. The cases of cars I have here that just came off the club layout ALL have clean wheels. <br />Maybe the difference is that in a prior post you mentioned brass wheels. ( I wouldn't use brass track, let alone brass wheels.) All of mine (and the clubs) are either Jay-bee, Intermountain or P2K nickel silver. <br />Who knows, like I said before , differn't strokes.................
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