I bought an ACER pc 6 years ago, and from the beginning, could not download or upload photos.
My malware and antivirus protector (Norton's) could detect no problesms.
It turns out that a microsoft download, CSRSS.exe, is necessary for proper operation of the win10 system( maybe other Win systems too). Hackers know this and this one came with two Trojan Horses tacked onto it. Norton's didnot recognize it because it was tucked in with this microsoft file, and blocks anitvirus systems. One of the Trojans was a key stroke addition that lets a hacker know what ever you type in.
We are fixing the problem now, but I just wanted to alert everyone about this issue. I don't know how prevalent it is, those folks are really snaeky!
I usually use my Android tablet, but on the PC it's Firefox and Windows XP. If it's working, why replace it with something that isn't?
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
My old pc started smoking, not a good sign, so I repalced it with this Acer that came loaded with Win10. Microsoft has a habit of "upgrading" your system when ever they feel like it, even if it interupts what you are doing at the moment. During one of these early "upgrades", it upgraded this particular file that turned out to be infected with a Trojan Horse.
I am going back to Linux.
I used to play a lot of Flight Simulator, and have a flight yoke and a set of pedals. When Windows did one of their so-called upgrades, they dropped support for older gameport devices, which these were. I was stuck with XP, but fortunately my old computer is still holding in there.