Anyone have any idea when/if Intermountain GP10s will be available? I can't quite seem to get the straight dope on this.
Meanwhile ... pester the good folks at Rapido Trains for N scale CF7s. Talk about a model that's been missing too long. I used their contact form a few weeks ago to make a plea for 'em.
Why not call and get it straight from the horses mouth?
InterMountain Customer Service (
Over two years ago I pre-ordered an undecorated caboose from Intermountain, I have still not received it.
Living the dream.
sandjam Why not call and get it straight from the horses mouth? InterMountain Customer Service (
InterMountain Customer Service (
The kind staff at Rapido Trains for CF7s in N scale. A role model that has been absent for far too long, if you ask me. A few weeks ago, I utilized their contact form to make an appeal to them.
Is Rapido making an N scale CF7?
SeeYou190Is Rapido making an N scale CF7?
One potential problem is that my request to them to make HO scale 'big' Jubilees is several years ahead of his, being a response to a post of theirs indicating they were planning a series of interesting Canadian prototypes. Based on how far that's gotten, it might be quite a while for them to get round to a non-Canadian engine...
I have a friend that badly wants a Stratton And Gillette CF7 in N scale to interchange with his 2000s era layout.
Painting an N scale CF7 sounds fun right now.
I love CF7s. I have brass, Athearn, PPW and PPW kits. All in HO.
When I was running a hobby shop in the late 90's; JnJ trains made N scale shells of a round-roofed CF7 shell. I was able to acquire one, and promptly sold it to one of my good N scale customers. I was never able to acquire any more. I don't know what happened to his CF7; I think he put it on an Atlas GP7 frame. He moved shortly after acquiring it. He passed away from COVID in 2021 at a very young age.
I have seen N scale resin printed CF7 shells on Shapeways marketplace before; don't know if they are still available. As I recall, they were sort of pricey.
I do not think that any models of a CF7 were imported in N scale. Hallmark did some in HO. I have one, got it custom painted with constant lighting and a beacon added (in 1981). It is beautiful, but it is prone to shorting out on less than perfect track. I haven't had it out of its box in over 35 years. May be time to see if I can use some sort of insulating paint on the steps to resolve that problem.
I just went searching, and found this one:
I saw those as well. Really nice looking N scale models. Glad I am set in HO scale, otherwise, I would be tempted by these.