bought a batch of ho flextrack online, and mixed in with the standard atlas 36" ns flextracks were several tyco 36" steel rail tracks that are rigid, they will not curve, even though there are tie separations on one side. did they freeze up over time, or were they meant to be 36" snap track--yet there are no end cutaways for joiners. -rob
When I was a kid, there was some Tyco space train that had fairly large magnets to keep it on the track as it did inversions and such. There were pieces that enabled the track to go vertically up a wall. As I recall, there were two very long rigid pieces of track that went up the wall. These could be those.
Ah yes, the Tyco Turbo Train.
I looked up the television advertisement on YouTube, too funny.
Living the dream.
While poking around YouTube this morning, they suggested a video to me by DARTH SANTA FE where he repowered a Tyco Turbo Train with a homemade chassis!
It worked very well.
Now I want a Turbo Train for my Tyco collection!
It looks like Tyco made two versions. One ran on HO scale slot car track, and one on the special steel HO scale track.
The was even a "Daredevil Jump" option... crazy!
I'm not sure where we got the long rigid pieces, based on that picture. We had a few, because we took pleasure in making it climb to light switch height.
If you're familiar with MST3k, the bumps on Tom Servo's hover skirt are made out of turbo train locomotives.