I had jotted down "Port Angeles Sept 18" on my note page about upcoming model train shows and swap meets in 2022, but now I cannot find any word of it online. Does anybody out west here (or anyone anywhere) know anything about that show? Port Angeles is definitely within reach and I'd like to attend if I can confirm that it's on, and where it'll be held.
Any clues appreciated. Thanks,
Returning to model railroading after 40 years and taking unconscionable liberties with the SP&S, Northern Pacific and Great Northern roads in the '40s and '50s.
crossthedogAny clues appreciated.
Are these the folks who sponsored it?
Looks like they're up against a challenge?
Maybe you can find some contact info in the article.
Good Luck, Ed
Keeping up with all the train shows that get cancelled around here is difficult. Fortunately Zitnik Trains in Saint Petersburg is keeping a pretty accurate list together.
They all seem to be moving targets, and none are happening in the South part of the State it seems.
Living the dream.
Thanks Ed. I'll try some of those contacts or even the reporter. I find reporters are often helpful about past stories because often it was their interest and engagement with the subject that compelled them to write the story in the first place.
@Kevin. Sorry to hear your area is experiencing a swap meet draught. When I went looking for my first meet last year, the annual show at Kelso in the south of our state was just coming back after there having been no shows anywhere for a year an a half. Everyone was there and tables were jammed with stuff for sale at incredible prices -- they had all been waiting so long to get a table in front of the public. Since then I've been to every one I can reach in a hard day's ride. I love swap meets. Hope you get yours back soon.