I'm about to get another set of Athearn Bluebox Impack Cars to add to my fleet. what metal wheelsets should I use to replace the plastic ones?
https://cs.trains.com/mrr/f/88/t/69065.aspx (you'll have to type this in; won't link from here.)
The post above indicates that they are 28 inch. You'll have to scroll down in the link to get past the part where the neighbor's kids dumped a 35 car train of them onto the floor and everything was smashed.
Here is a working link:
Warning, as maxman mentioned, the thread contains an absolute horror story about trains hitting the concrete!
I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!
Exact Rail (www.exactrail.com) has 28 inch all metal wheelsets in HO scale, including code 88. I don't own any Impacks therefore, I can't speak to the issue of axle lengths.
ATSFGuyAthearn Bluebox Impack Cars
Been a long time since I owned and operated Athearn Impack cars, but I recall installing JB wheelsets without incidence.
Regards, Peter
I bought Intermountain 28" wheel sets for my Athearn Impack cars but haven't had time yet to install them.
Rio Grande. The Action Road - Focus 1977-1983