Hey all,
I have some Precision Scale plastic brake hangers and shoes (3323) that are just about perfect for an HO brass 0-6-0 I recently picked up. The model is an early United model with no brake shoes on the chassis, but plenty of space for them.
My issue is I can't find screws that fit the bill. Measuring the side wall of the chassis and the mounting area for the hangers with my calipers, I need a 4mm long screw. The hole in the hangers is 1mm. None of the 1x4mm screws I've come across seem like they'd fit this particular application - mostly countersunk electronics/laptop screws and they are sold in large quantities when I only need 4 (maybe 5 because I'll lose one in the carpet). Searching for 'brass locomotive brake shoe screws' comes up with nothing relevant. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some suitable screws?
The Backshops - A blog dedicated to modeling projects
You probably want to find a shoulder screw:
Shoulder Screw
I've saved just about every tiny screw I've ever scrounged from dozens of hard drives, DVD players and lots of other electronic devices. I also have several styles of locomotive brake hangers from the detail people, PSC, Cal-Scale, etc.
I'll take a look to see if I can find anything to match up.
One vendor I'm familiar with for brass loco parts is Greenway Products. They may have something.
There are others here that have linked to miniature modeling fastener suppliers but I don't have any experience with those. Perhaps someone will offer some.
I just rummaged around my shop and came across the assortment of tiny fasteners I bought several years ago. Similar to these:
I checked a few of them and several fit into the PSC brake hangers I have on hand. A little snug (It would be perfect to thread them in from the backside if you could) but if I cleared out the hole with a #60 drill they fit very well.
Brake_Hanger by Edmund, on Flickr
In the assortment I have some of the screws are Phillips-type and others have a rudimentary hex head.
Brake_Hanger-1 by Edmund, on Flickr
Brake_Hanger-close by Edmund, on Flickr
Hope that helps —
Good Luck, Ed
I have some Hob-Bits 00-90 brass screws that I bought at my LHS many years ago that measure 1.15mm. That’s probably the smallest screws available from hobby dealers.
Google search:https://www.google.com/search?q=hob-bits+00-90+screws&ei=xrB1YMqaOovr-gSdrJBo&oq=hob-bits+00-90+screws&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAwyBQghEKsCOgcIABBHELADOgQIABANUJW1A1iwzQNgnd4DaAFwAngAgAGSAYgB8wWSAQM0LjOYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEDwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjKlZ-FvfvvAhWLtZ4KHR0WBA0Q4dUDCA0
eBay search:https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=hob-bits+00-90+screws&_sacat=0&_sop=15
Hob-Bits also has a tap for 00-90 screws.Good Luck Mel My Model Railroad http://melvineperry.blogspot.com/ Bakersfield, California I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.
Thank you both Ed and Mel! I did check Greenway but did not see anything quite what I was looking for, sans some 1x4mm coupler box screws but the photo was so small. Knowing the head of coupler box screws I don't think they would have worked anyhow.
Appreciate the info and links, I think I have exactly what I need now.
Metric, Nickel Plated Screw, 1.0 x 4mm x 0.25, Cross Panhead (8 pk)
Part Number: 1104-5
Modeling the C&O New River Subdivision circa 1949 for the fun of it!
Try an old fashioned hardware store. They often have drawers full of screws and nuts for individual sale.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.