Can you run OO locos on standard HO gauge track?
Yeah, UK OO is the same gauge as HO.
-Peter. Mantua collector, 3D printing enthusiast, Korail modeler.
Cool I was checking out a YouTube channel called Sam's Trains out of the UK and he is well heeled ...has an extensive collection of trains but they run on the carpeted floor.Might have to check out Oxford brand locos on the Bay!
Not only that, but UK trains to my knowledge use the same electronic systems as American market trains following NMRA standards. So your DC or DCC system should be compatible right out of the box with any OO scale equipment!
I can confirm that OO scale DC trains run just fine on Kato HO scale unitrack with the Kato controller.
Living the dream.
Nice!green light given!
Be aware, though, that while track gauge is the same (by definition) other things of potential concern are not, like interference on parallel curves or clearance to structures. This may sound obvious, but if you know a given prototype built in HO (to NMRA standards) fits, there is no guarantee a larger OO version will. You can get an introduction from this NMRA standard S-1 page download here.
OvermodBe aware, though, that while track gauge is the same (by definition) other things of potential concern are not, like interference on parallel curves or clearance to structures.
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."