Do BLI P3 locomotives have 3-pole motors with copper finger brushes as compared to 5-pole motors with carbon brushes in P2 locos? What has your experience been with P3 motors? Do they last? Would it be a good idea to buy and have spare on hand? Are P3 and P2 motors interchangeable? Is there a 3rd party motor that you would recommend instead? Thank you.
I thought Paragon 3 was the name for the newest BLI decoder with Rolling Thunder sound. Are you sure it has any meaning relative to motors?
Just wondering.
I agree with Deane. To my knowledge, the difference between Paragon 2 and Paragon 3 is the decoder, not the motor.
Alton Junction
My question was based on ealier posts under this conversation -- I've contacted Scott G to see find out more.