There used to be a model of the month award. One of those went to a model of a rice dryer model located in Katy Texas. There is a fellow looking for the issue that model appeared in. So far he has come up dry. Little help? I will foward it on to him
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel
An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel
A realist sees a frieght train
An engineer sees three idiots standing on the tracks stairing blankly in space
Model Railroader May 1999 Page 99 Cardiff Brothers rice dryer Katy Texas N scale
I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.
I don't have a leg to stand on.
DSchmittModel Railroader May 1999 Page 99 Cardiff Brothers rice dryer Katy Texas N scale
David Currey was the modeler and I had forgotten all about this very nice bit of scratchbuilding. He used fish food containers for the concrete bins -- I admire frugal modeling!
Dave Nelson
I was never a fan of the Model of the Month. It seemed to be just a low entry photography contest. I was always more inspired by Trackside Photos.
Living the dream.
I always looked at the Model of the Month Award as a place to display a unique model, one that probably would not be suitable for a construction article, it being too specialized. I assume MR's editors picked the winners from Trackside Photos submissions.
Of course I could be prejudiced, as I won the award four times.
Bob Boudreau
Visit my model railroad photography website:
Out of curiosity, does Model Railroader Magazine still feature "Model of the Month?"
ATSFGuy Out of curiosity, does Model Railroader Magazine still feature "Model of the Month?"
It's been gone for some time. Maybe someone recalls when it left? The focus was much more on a single model than Trackside Photos was back then, as Bob B. mentioned, but both featues originated in an era when pics in print were less common. With the internet (and TV to a lesser extent) so pervasive, mixing the two approaches seems to work OK as needed.
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL
My last MOM was in the August 1999 issue. The one in their September was the last one.
Railphotog I assume MR's editors picked the winners from Trackside Photos submissions.
A fair number of the photos for the old Model of the Month award were taken by MR's staff photographer Art Schmidt, and not just those winners who were from the Milwaukee/Chicago area either. It certainly was not a photography contest.
I recall there seemed to be a preference for totally scratchbuilt models, such as the steam loco that "was completely fabricated by the modeler except the bolt that fastened the boiler to the frame."
While I was certainly impressed with the skill and craftmanship involved, I was never tempted to try to elevate my own meager scratchbuilding talents to anything near that level.
hardcoalcase I recall there seemed to be a preference for totally scratchbuilt models, such as the steam loco that "was completely fabricated by the modeler except the bolt that fastened the boiler to the frame." While I was certainly impressed with the skill and craftmanship involved, I was never tempted to try to elevate my own meager scratchbuilding talents to anything near that level. Jim
I think that was the whole idea of the MOM - a model that exceeded in model building, above the normal level. Don't think it was necessarily something that many others would or could emulate, just showing what could be attained in the hobby. MY thoughts anyway.
If I remember correctly, my Cardiff Brothers Rice Drier was the next to last Model of the Month. After my model, Model Railroader skipped an issue or two with no Model of the Month, and then had one final MOTM[quote user="ATSFGuy"] Andy Sperandeo told me they were just going to go with Trackside Photos after that.
[quote user="DAVID N CURREY"]
If I remember correctly, my Cardiff Brothers Rice Drier was the next to last Model of the Month. After my model, Model Railroader skipped an issue or two with no Model of the Month, and then had one final MOTM
ATSFGuy Andy Sperandeo told me they were just going to go with Trackside Photos after that.
As in a previous reply of mine in this thread, my last MOM was in the August 1999 issue, it was the second to last one they used.
DAVID N CURREYIf I remember correctly, my Cardiff Brothers Rice Drier was the next to last Model of the Month. After my model, Model Railroader skipped an issue or two with no Model of the Month, and then had one final MOTM. Andy Sperandeo told me they were just going to go with Trackside Photos after that.
Belated congrats, David, on the award and on a very nice model. And welcome to the Forums.
I always really like the MOM. It was not a photo contest, but a showcase of excellent modeling.
Bob and Dave, great work! I think Bobby Pits was in the MOM for one of his excellent tank car builds.
I miss the MOM, and in this current day of RTR, I think it would have a place, along with an article about the build.
My You Tube
My scratchbuilt brass shorty tank car was model of the month in the May, 1989 issue. I still proudly display my framed award page in my train room. I miss the award.
Cool, welcome Bobby. We are having a discussion about your Flexi-Flow build over on the layout forum, Turning a cheap model into a good car. Not the exact wording, but you'll find it.
Do you prefer the old MR or the new MR Magazines?
I'm saying that because the content might be a little different between the old and new.