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Structures in N scale

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Structures in N scale
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 2, 2002 4:33 PM
It seems that at the local Hobby Shop, which is very well stocked I might add, the number of structures available in N scale is a fraction of what is available in HO. It is pretty frustrating, for example, to see a much larger variety of kits from DPM in HO than in N. Is there no end in sight for someone filling a need of Quality N scale structures at a reasonable price?
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Posted by thirdrail1 on Saturday, March 2, 2002 8:04 PM
Lisa, there has been a lot of griping about that subject, but mainly focused at Walthers and its Cornerstone line. Walthers badly misgauged the N scale market, overproducing some models and greatly underproducing others, and lately just don't seem to bother with new N much at all. On the other hand, DPM makes almost as many N kits as HO kits - perhaps it's your local hobby shop that isn't stocking them. There are others out there though, aside from the European lines like Faller-Pola, Vollmer, and Kibri. American Model Builders Laserkits are excellent and there are quite a few different kits available. Northeastern Scale Models has some great kits as well. Pikestuff has just announced it will make its HO line in N scale as well, so things are looking up. Just wish I could afford one of Art Fahie's (Bar Mills) Idaho Hotel Kits, but at $63.95 at Rio Grande Hobbies, it's just too much.
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Posted by n2mopac on Sunday, March 3, 2002 9:10 PM
Gregg is right, things are looking better for N scalers all the time. A few are finally starting to take the N marked seriously. Hopefully Walthers and others will follow suit soon and catch up to companies like DPM who are serving N scale needs.
It is also true that many hobby shops just do not take N scale seriously. I have a locl shop that I have been loyal to for years, but I have recently stopped shopping there. Why? Because, while they used to have a fair supply of N scale and have promised for years to increase their stock in N scale, they have let that stock drop steadily over the past year. Now they simply do not have the stock to help any serious N scaler. It is sad that they are missing out on this marked. Fortunately for me I found another shop in my area that caters specifically to N scale. Unfortunately no all are so lucky.

Owner and superintendant of the N scale Texas Colorado & Western Railway, a protolanced representaion of the BNSF from Fort Worth, TX through Wichita Falls TX and into Colorado. 

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Posted by MAbruce on Monday, March 4, 2002 6:58 AM
There is actually a fairly decent selection of N-scale structures out there (still not as much as HO). But you would not know it by walking into most hobby stores. I have found them on various internet hobby stores, and you really have to "surf" around a lot to find them.

However, something still has to be done about the prices...
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 4, 2002 7:49 AM
Yes, something DOES need to be done about the prices. Also in answer to Gregg, the last time I checked on the DPM web site, there are quite a few structures available in HO that are not available in N scale, many of which I wi***hat would be offered in N scale. Walthers seems to have the attitude that N scalers only want large structures that take up a lot of room. I would give anything for items like small town/rural town buildings, farm structures, buildings typical of the 1940's-60's suburbs, etc. Thanks.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 4, 2002 12:47 PM
I would have to argue the "Art Fahie's (Bar Mills) Idaho Hotel Kits, but at $63.95 at Rio Grande Hobbies, it's just too much" statement. This kit is basically one of the first high end craftsman kits made for N Scale. It is similar in quality to a Fine Scale Miniatures or BTS kit that you might find in HO for $200 or more. Heck, the HO version is only a littl eover $100.

You may think that just becuase it's a laser kit, that it might not be as detailed as it actually is. Let me tell you, as a builder of many craftsman kits, and the author of the manual for the Saco River/Bar Mills Idaho Hotel, I can assure you that it's as a much a quality kit as any HO FSM, Sierra, or BTS kit!!! The best part is, it's in n-scale!

I will say, it's realy easy to put together, but looks superb when done! For those of you looking for more than just a kit, it even comes in a handmade wooden box!

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Posted by thirdrail1 on Monday, March 4, 2002 9:06 PM
I am sure it is a great kit. What I am saying is I CANNOT AFFORD IT!!!! I can't afford George Sellios stuff either.
"The public be ***ed, it's the Pennsylvania Railroad I'm competing with." - W.K.Vanderbilt
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 5, 2002 9:52 PM
As someone who is modeling the southern Appalacians
(don't think I spelled that right) I know what you mean about rural bldgs. You might want to explore the joys of kitbashing and scratch building.

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