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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by fiatfan</i> <br /><br />What about a corollary to that, when some else responds to the topic and your reply would have been very similar to another reply? For example, my reply would have been very much the same as Mabruce. I’m happy to offer the information but don’t always expect a reply. If I get one, that’s great. <br /> <br />Tom <br />[/quote] <br />Tom, <br /> <br />I agree that sometimes posts seem like duplicate information. I taught college level computer networking courses for 6 years. Every person processes information a bit differently. Have you ever explained something to someone and they just didn't understand what it was that you were trying to tell them so you tried explaining it again a bit differently. Then sometimes even a third time to make sure that person really understands your point. When a person is learning a new subject it is often times good for that person to have it explained in more than way. <br /> <br />BTW Tom you have provided a lot of good information on this forum. Although I may not be the question asker I do enjoy reading your responses. Keep your inputs coming.... <br /><hr noshade size="1"> <br /> <br />Erie, <br /> <br />Yes, I agree with you. It is always nice to be recognized and get a pat on the back I think we all like that <i>warm fuzzy</i> feeling. I too sometimes wonder if the info I pass along was helpful to the question asker or some other reader when there is no positive response. I try to thank a poster for information he/she has posted even if I am not the original question asker when the info is of value to me. <br /> <br />Even with a negative response at least I know that someone read what I posted. [:D] <br /> <br />I remember one time reading a post with several responses (I think there were 32) when I finished reading all the inputs I found most of them were negitive arguments about other posters points of view. When I subtracted the negative responses the original question had only 7 responses. However, to find those 7 good answers a person had to wade through the tra***alk. Maybe by the end of the post the original question asker didn't respond because they weren't sure they should say anything in fear of being attached by the negative responders. [B)] <br /> <br />Through life's experiences I have found that there are those that just don't say thank you to anyone. They ask a question, get an answer, then go on about their merry way. <br /><hr noshade size="1"> <br /><font size="4"><font color="green">Keep posting these great discussion topics. </font id="green"></font id="size4"> <br /> <br />
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