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turnout wiring

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turnout wiring
Posted by DocDan on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 8:58 AM
I've decided to go with solenoid switch machines for my medium-sized layout. They have all been installed (about thirty of them) and I am now ready to wire them up to the pushbuttons and power supply. I will be using a Snapper capacitor to reduce risk of burning them out. The push-buttons are the Kadee mini push-buttons. My longest wiring run will be about twelve feet.

A friend gave me an ample supply of twenty-five twisted pair sheathed cable. However, I think the wire is too small (not sure what gauge) and they're solid so they have slight tendency to break especially as I ran the ground wire from machine to machine.

And now for the question - Andy Sperandeo's book on wiring suggests heavier gauge wire for switch machies (18 and larger. However, the Kadee push-button instructions suggest using no larger than 20 standed or 24 solid. What should I go with here? Should I stick with using the twisted pair cable that I have wich really seems quite convenient (ground plus one pair per machine - N and R) or do I buy all new wire? I'm keeping the push-buttons - I'm a proud owner of sixty of them and I don't want to stick my hobby shop guy with that kind of return. Andy, if you're out there feel free to comment on this one.

Thanks for any help.

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Posted by BRAKIE on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 4:58 PM
Dan: If the wire you are using breaks as easy as you say,I surely would not use it.You see,that wire is much to small and much to fragile.I would go with what Kadee said to use.That way you know your right.



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by BRAKIE on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 4:58 PM
Dan: If the wire you are using breaks as easy as you say,I surely would not use it.You see,that wire is much to small and much to fragile.I would go with what Kadee said to use.That way you know your right.



Summerset Ry.

"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt  Safety First!"

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Posted by Sperandeo on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:32 AM
Hi Dan,

IUse short lengths of the small wire that Kadee recommends to connect to the buttons, then splice it to heavier wire to run across your layout to the switch machines. Six to 12 inches of no. 22 wire won't greatly impede the current flow, but using no. 18 wire where you have runds of several feet will ensure that your switch machine coils can draw the power they need.

Good luck,

Andy Sperandeo

Andy Sperandeo MODEL RAILROADER Magazine

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