QUOTE: Originally posted by lyctus OK, here's a serious reply to one interpretation of this thread. The local Model Rail club offers a service to (usually) the widow of a modeller who has been called to the Great Roundhouse in that they will collect all the model rail gear and organise a club auction. Proceeds are forwarded to the widow. For members, I think there is either a small or maybe no charge, For non-members, a nominal charge (10% of proceeds). This ensures that in general, the best return is acheived for your stuff. For Sale notices in the local paper bring all sorts of problems, not least of which is shady characters with "rip-off" in mind, house breakers doing a bit of pre-project surveying and how does the family really know what your stuff is worth ? Hint: Use a spread sheet to record the models you own,date purchased, and (be honest on this one now) the price paid. Print it and keep it in a place the family can find it. This will at least give them some idea of what they should ask/expect for your stuff. You can then nominate a hobby shop that deals in 2nd hand and your people will be able to negotiate a fair price. Alternatively, just arrange to ship the stuff to me. I will respect it and I will name one strip on my wall display in your honour for every $US5,000 estimated value received.
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
QUOTE: Originally posted by norboy BTW, was the suspense really there?[;)]
QUOTE: Originally posted by dave9999 Oh my god! They killed Kenny! You bast%$ds! Dave
Have fun with your trains
QUOTE: Originally posted by AggroJones Crikey Dave! Is that your snake? My alcoholic father is utterly terrified of snakes. He freaks out when he even sees harmless ones on TV! [:0][:0][:0]