For some reason I cannot get this to to shut down after any period of time. Have tried to reprogram a number of times to no avail. Any ideas ? Thanks
CV 11 is the packet control time out and I believe does not affect the sound. I don't think I have ever changed cv 11 from the factory setting. CV 113 controls the sound time out. According to the manual setting CV 113 to any number above zero causes the sound to shut down when the throttle is set to zero, no other command is received (such has lights, horn etc.) and the set time has elapsed, Check out the manual for the increments.
Marty C
The only reason you ever have to mess with CV11 is because some systems send less data than others, especially when the throttle is in a steady state (ie, you set the train running and aren't contantly adjusting the speed or actively pressing function keys). Some syste,s will cut back to an absolute minimum of packets sent to a loco like that and if the CV11 packet timeout is too low, the decoder will assume loss of data and stop.
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