Sharp34 If I decide to go with an electronic bell, could you recommend one and where to acquire it. Thanks, Skip
If I decide to go with an electronic bell, could you recommend one and where to acquire it. Thanks, Skip
If you use a doorbell hang it in mid air from a string. It will sound more natural that way than if it's fastened to the layout. However, as another poster pointed out, you won't be able to control its volume and it may be too loud.
..... Bob
Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here. (Captain Kirk)
I reject your reality and substitute my own. (Adam Savage)
Resistance is not futile--it is voltage divided by current.
Sharp34 On our modular N scale layout I have a crossing using NJ Int. crossbucks activated by Berkshire Junction electronics and it works great. There are leads on the circuit board for the activation of a bell. I remember seeing an old fashioned doorbell from Lowes being used in conjuction with this setup. Does anyone know if this will work and if so how to wire it??? Thanks, Skip
On our modular N scale layout I have a crossing using NJ Int. crossbucks activated by Berkshire Junction electronics and it works great. There are leads on the circuit board for the activation of a bell. I remember seeing an old fashioned doorbell from Lowes being used in conjuction with this setup. Does anyone know if this will work and if so how to wire it??? Thanks, Skip
Do the leads send a pulsing signal or are the leads just a closure?
If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.
Try the below. His stuff works. I have bought from him if I did not have the parts on hand. He has electronic ciruits also. Check out his complete site.
Found the below in a Google search.
If you Google model railroad door bell circuit, you will find many, many suggestions and pictures.
I would use an electronic bell circuit instead of a door bell for the simple reason of being able to control the volume.